Let’s chat about Social Media. What posts do we like to see the most on social media? What types of messages do we like to share?
So… I’ve gotten quite a bit social media happy. For the most part, I have one account. Except Facebook pages – this blog has it’s own FB page, and so does my other blog, and of course I have my personal profile. But Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest – just the one account. SO I SHARE IT ALL. If it interests me, it gets shared. Depending on the platform, and what is appropriate of course.
Twitter is my brain dump, and I go a little crazy sometimes. I share bookish stuff, and blogging stuff, and a lot of mom stuff. I even have a few hashtags on auto RT because good stuff man, good stuff. I also use Triberr to share other people’s stuff. I like how it shares slowly over time. Because otherwise, I get in a RT frenzy when I have some spare time, and it all shows up at once. Like I said – brain dump.
Pinterest I have categories and boards, so it is more organized. But I love to PIN ALL THE THINGS! I don’t use a scheduler exactly (I use BoardBooster as a looping tool and to share my other blog stuff to group boards, but not for bookish stuff.)
I even have a Buffer account set up to share all the bookish things onto our Facebook page over time, so I don’t spam the page all at once. And our posts get shared of course. And anyone else’s awesome bookish stuff that we come across. Share all the stuff that has books!
I’ve also gotten into more Instagramming. Mostly pictures of my kid doing something adorkable. Or my pets being cuddly. Sometimes of books, if I have a rare physical book in my hands. Otherwise, it is all digital, and how many pictures can I take of my Kindle before it gets weird? I do get jelly of those people who have beautiful print books with shiny covers to share. One day again. One day. When the spawn is/are grown, and I have my life back.
I enjoy sharing other people’s stuff. Which is great for Twitter, and Facebook, and I sometimes share bookish stuff on Pinterest too – just not book covers – but if another image is available, that explains the post – like discussions. Sharing stuff. LOVE TO SHARE, but it has to be shareable. So.. good content, please. Discussions are great content. Interesting features are great content. Sometimes I do even share reviews.
I don’t want to see people pushing their product on each other. I HATE when someone tweets @ me (and I don’t even know who they are) and just go “ooh look at my book thingie!” NO. Make connections. Let’s chat back and forth. Tell me you liked something I posted recently. And actually have read the thing I posted recently. No soliciting at my door! I love when people share their hard work and say “oh my book has released, check it out.” And then I see their post, and I MIGHT check it out. And I might not. But then they didn’t push it, and I went with my interest. And those I might be willing to share for them too.
So, in conclusion. SHARE ALL THE STUFF. No spammy spam, but actually connect and share good stuff, and share your own good stuff, but other people’s good stuff too.
I still have not figured out, after all this time, how Julie has time for social media. Or maybe I’d have more time if I wasn’t reading Buzzfeed all day. Difficult to say.
But what’s good about blogging with Julie is that she’s been teaching me all the tricks. Like lists on Twitter. Or using Buffer to post all the interesting links I find.
I like Twitter the best – with it’s short posts, and not having to see/scroll past comments if I don’t want to read them. I dislike Facebook the most – for the opposite of the above reasons. (Plus, WHY do I have to keep switching the settings back to Most Recent. Do people actually read the newsfeed on Top Stories?) Pintrest and tumblr are major rabbit holes. Hours can go by and I’ll have not noticed. I am super jelly of the bookstagram posts, too. I’m into Litsy lately. It’s like Intagram. But only for bookish posts. You should check it out! (Ok, only if you have an iPhone, as that’s the only app out there. But they are working on expanding!)
I agree with Julie. Share all the stuff.
How about you? What are your feelings on social media?
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This post has come at the perfect time for me. I just started a series of posts regarding my efforts to figure out Social Media.
Creating Community (Pt1)
Ooh a series to discover social media, sounds cool!
I mostly just use Twitter, but I’ve also done a bit more Instagram lately. I try to retweet discussions and other interesting things I find! (Tweeted this, by the way.)
Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction recently posted…Sunday Post & Giveaways Galore – 8/14/16
Well thank you 😉 I tweet yours often too. Because discussions are the best!
I’m a social media novice still. I love Facebook, but not for the newsfeed. I typically on scroll through my newsfeed when it’s slow at work or when I have insomnia. Otherwise, I pop in and out of blog pages, discussion groups and spend the bulk of my time sending and responding to private messages there. Most of my friends live outside of LA and even the one who live in LA aren’t readily available for in person meet ups. So FB is key for me to keep in touch with my buddies and exchange an occasional message with my nephew.
I like Twitter, but it’s a drive by platform for me. I can’t figure out how my Twitter newsfeed is filled with so many Tweets from people I don’t actively follow.
Instagram is harder for me to remember to check on, but I am trying to use it more and do drive-bys there as well.
I’m not a blogger so I don’t know how to do the delayed/scheduled posts. It’s great that there are so many options for sharing that save bloggers time.
I love, LOVE Pinterest! And GoodReads!
I have 2 Twitter accounts – one for romance books and one for everything else like movies, political activism, tv shows, French culture, etc. I rarely have time to just scroll through my 2nd Twitter account so I’m still puzzled at how people maintain two or more accounts of any social media platform.
I love social media but it takes up a lot of time, but it’s so important in blogging. I’m trying to tackle Stumble upon now. I don’t understand it, and still working on Pinterest and Facebook. I’ve never heard of Buffer before.
Nikki recently posted…Pamper Yourself During Pregnancy with Groupon
Buffer is a sharing platform. Like Hootsuite.
Stumbleupon.. I am trying to tackle it too. I hate that I can’t do it on mobile without installing yet another app that I don’t have room for. So it is browser only when I’m home after kiddo is in bed. So I do very little of it.
I have yet to master Buffer but have heard good things and I bet it would help a lot with time management! I find social media such a time such and I’ve been an awful procrastinator trying to get posts completed. Julie you are always so good to share others work, provide feedback and answer questions. Thank you for being such a lovely blogging friend!
Aww thanks Tori 🙂 🙂 If you set up buffer with you twitter and your facebook page, then install a plugin “buffer old posts” it will just send your posts to the buffer, which will post it at times you identified, and done. I do that here with Chapter Break. I have the free account so I can do up to 10 posts scheduled at a time.
I think Pinterest will always be my favorite social media. I’ve loved it since before I knew what social media was. I love instagram, and I try to put inspirational stuff there. FB just baffles me. Some things do well, others don’t, and it’s always a toss of the dice to see which way it will go.
Samantha recently posted…6 Simple Steps to Find Happiness Every Day
Pintrest is great, Samantha. And I’ve recently discovered that people save more than just recipes there!
I’ve been very “eff Facebook” lately.
I really enjoy Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and recently Litsy. I like them for different reasons though and use for differing reasons. Facebook is a great way to stay connected with distant everyone. Twitter is awesome for at-the-moment news. Instagram is just beautiful pictures and Litsy is wonderful for the literary community.
Completely agree with you Michelle! Especially on the pictures on Instagram!
I do quite adore social media!! Particularly twitter….and goodreads (does that count as social media?!?) GOODREADS IS MY LIFE. And I’m basically on twitter like clockwork in the morning and night #noregrets ? Totally agree with Lynn that facebook isn’t worth it.? And omg I’m with you on the instagramming, Julie! LOVE INSTAGRAM. It’s so fun to connect to people on all sorts of platforms and just chat and share bookish nerdiness. :’)
Goodreads totally counts Cait!! Since you can comment on stuff. so yea. I totally use the Goodreads 🙂
I’m also on a F Facebook rampage. So… autoshare and leave it alone.
I’m terrible at social media when it comes to blog stuff, and since I don’t like to half ass anything, I don’t do Facebook – I use Twitter to share stuff – blog stuff and other people’s blog stuff – I do think I could connect more on there. I also use Instagram, but just made my account private and don’t do blog stuff there.
Tanya Patrice recently posted…11 Things This Week
Tanya, you are not missing anything on Facebook. Trust me on that!
This was a fun post! I love social media, but I don’t think I’m a great user. I really wish my blog Facebook account was a page and not a personal account, and I know there is a way to convert, but who has the time? I have a personal FB account also, but it doesn’t seem like I have time for it any more. I have found I post more personal/non-bookish stuff to Instagram, and I feel like I mostly miss out on what’s going on with Twitter. I need to take time to figure out how to see what I really want to see there without scrolling through days of posts. Pinterest I have and like, but again, I just don’t have time to use it. I don’t like when people use their personal accounts to push stuff on me, either. Great if you make and sell XXXX, but have a separate account so I can still like you but I don’t have to look at your XXXX! Is that mean? I want to support my friends, but I do get tired of there being 13 straight posts about your XXXX and then a “by the way, I got married” thing right behind it. Thanks for the heads-up on Buffer! Gonna check that out.
Kristine Hall recently posted…The Voyage to Magical North ~ ~ Guest Post & Review!
Welcome on the Buffer, Kristine! It’s pretty easy – especially because it posts everything for you. And multiple accounts, if that’s your thing.
Yea that comes with balance. People overdo their salesyness on social media and that isn’t pleasant. I read a great book called social media for direct sales and entrepreneurs (something like that forget the exact title) and she really went into each platform and how to post without going overboard. like 1 salesy post for 9 not salesy posts. Not the reverse, which is what we’re seeing a lot of lately.