Alright Pardner let’s hear ’bout ’em westerns. Do you read them? Any particulars you recommend? Do I sound drunk in that first sentence?
I don’t tend to read a lot of historicals in the first place, so I don’t get to read about many cowboys. Actually, we ended up putting “cowboy” on last month’s Bookish Bingo card, and so I had to find me a western to read. Lynn picked it out actually, found one available for me at the library, and I jumped on it: One Heart to Win. I actually liked it. It was a romance, but not too romancey. It was a western, but not too westerny. It had some funny characters and some open country arrogance and was a good read overall. I can’t say I’ve read any other westerns that I recall at any recent time.
I’m not really sure why Western Romances appeal to me. Well, besides the cowboys! These books usually have strong, independent women eking out a living in harsh environs. And strong men who support them. I generally stick with historical Westerns. Contemporary ones are ok, but not really what I’m interested in. Some of my favorites are:
- The Only Series by Elizabeth Lowell
- The McKettricks Series by Linda Lael Miller
- The Keegan-Paxton Series by Catherine Anderson
Plus some lists!
- Historical Western Romance Novels
- Best Humorous Historical Romances
- Save A Horse (Modern Western Romances)
I now realize I have a lot more historical romances to read!
How about you? Are you into Western Romance?
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I don’t read Westerns – they just don’t appeal to me. Unless you count Rebel of the Sands, which was kind of a mix of Western and Persian.
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I grew up watching westerns with my dad, but I’ve never found them particularly appealing in the fiction format. The closer I’ve come to reading a western / or novel with any cowboys or ranchers is Sawyer Bennett’s Wicked Horse series. I’m currently binge reading this series via audiobook, and I’m about an hour away from finishing Wicked Lust (The Wicked Horse series #2). Enjoy your western historical romance, ladies! =)
Thanks, Livia!