That’s what HE said Thursday- September 8, 2016

Posted September 8, 2016 by Lynn in ThatsWhatHeSaid / 4 Comments


We are hosting a meme called: That’s what HE said Thursday. For more info on what this meme is all about click hereWe are switching things up now and doing our posts once a month rather than weekly. The Linky will be open all month long and you are welcome to continue doing your post weekly and linking them up.


LynnpicLynn’s Quote:

“I was a man, not too long ago, that needed that kind of forgiveness and needed someone to show me the way. All the choices we make, good and bad, have a lesson in them. I think it’s time you quit letting those lessons go over your head, Sprite.”

Bright to Avett

(Charged (Saints of Denver #2) by: Jay Crownover)

Avett’s life is a complete mess. And her dad still loves, supports, and forgives her, as you can see from this quote. Sure, Charged is a romance. And I could have used some sexy quote. But I really like Brite. He’s a tough, gruff, no-nonsense, former marine. And kind of reminds me of my own father. So take Brite’s fatherly advice, and learn from your choices, good or bad. 



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Posted September 8, 2016 by Lynn in ThatsWhatHeSaid / 4 Comments


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