Me Before You – Book vs Movie Review

Posted September 22, 2016 by Lynn in Movie Reviews, Reviews / 2 Comments

me-before-you-posterMe Before You

Plot Summary: Lou Clark knows lots of things. She knows how many footsteps there are between the bus stop and home. She knows she likes working in The Buttered Bun tea shop and she knows she might not love her boyfriend Patrick. What Lou doesn’t know is she’s about to lose her job or that knowing what’s coming is what keeps her sane. Will Traynor knows his motorcycle accident took away his desire to live. He knows everything feels very small and rather joyless now and he knows exactly how he’s going to put a stop to that. What Will doesn’t know is that Lou is about to burst into his world in a riot of color. And neither of them knows they’re going to change each other for all time.

Staring: Sam Claflin, Emilia Clarke

Directed By: Thea Sharrock

Info from

Welcome to another installment of Julie and Lynn talk about bookish subjects. This time, we watched Me Before You. TOGETHER. Here are our thoughts on the movie.


Julie Review AvatarSo, movie night was totally awesome, great snacks, great company. Even some heavy breathing dogs.


Lynnpic avatarI agree. We should definitely repeat that! Especially with book related movies. It was a very relaxing evening!


Julie Review AvatarI’m all for a movie night in. Bookish movies are most fun because we already know the story, and like it (or we wouldn’t even be sitting there).


Lynnpic avatarTrue. And the benefit oh having movie night at home (and not the theater) is that we can pause and or comment as needed. Plus much healthier snacking.




Julie Review AvatarI like that we can talk and discuss! No one to shush us!


Lynnpic avatartrue. I prefer my movie theaters silent. But having the opportunity to talk is good as well. We can discuss as we go!


Lynnpic avatarI know we both mentioned how we might not have enjoyed the movie without the book.


Julie Review AvatarI think we are probably very critical of the bookish movies we watch for the reasons mentioned.


Lynnpic avatarI definitely think that’s true.


Julie Review AvatarAnd Me Before You, was much much better in book form.


Lynnpic avatarAlso true. The movie left me wanting more.


Julie Review AvatarI remember being so pissed at Will for his decision. I completely agree with Lou that he was being incredibly selfish. The movie? I didn’t have a strong emotional care one way or another. And that’s too bad.


Lynnpic avatarYes – and the book left me wondering why Lou was even falling in love with Will. He was a jerk to her at the beginning. But the movie skimmed over that.


Julie Review AvatarI feel like with the book, all the tiny details, their day to day interactions, they all added up and finally made sense. Skipping to just the highlights like the movie did just left a lot of that build up and emotion out.


Julie Review Avatarthe acting maybe? The emotions were lacking – it felt like everyone was a robot almost. It is hard to be upset when the characters aren’t even all that devastated.


Lynnpic avatarThat’s a very good observation. Without the small scenes, we are left without the emotional connection of the book.


Lynnpic avatarAnd I think you might be right about the acting as well. I’m thinking about all the cut scenes between Lou and Patrick. We didn’t get that they were living together. And that Lou was miserable. So did we even care when they broke up?


Julie Review AvatarI didn’t see any connection between them at all. That was almost like an afterthought, oh yea we have to include the Patrick scenes.


Lynnpic avatarRight? Especially when he states that they’ve been together for 7 years. I would have thought 7 years would equate to some more scenes. And again, emotions.


Julie Review AvatarIt was definitely lacking for me, and I can see people who never read the book totally taking the movie the wrong way. I’m just happy they never showed the details at the end heh. I was wondering if they would show more.


Lynnpic avatarI would have to agree with you there. I do not need those kind of details.


Julie Review AvatarI missed the scenes from the book when Lou was on the chat boards planning the trips and getting advice from other people in Will’s situation. That really made me even more mad at Will in the book.


Lynnpic avatarHAHAHA. I was just typing the same thing!


Lynnpic avatarI think it would have helped us understand Will’s decision. And know that not everyone feels the same.


Julie Review AvatarYes! Great minds. Especially with the backlash this movie has been getting, that would have helped.

Lynnpic avataryes. I think there might have been less backlash with those scenes. But that also, some of the backlash could have been from people who hadn’t even seen the movie. Or read the book. They didn’t know anything about it. Except for the assisted suicide part.

Julie Review AvatarYea, true. Trollers gonna troll.

I think I gave the book 4 stars but the movie? Maybe 3? Not sure.


Lynnpic avatarYeah – I agree on both of those ratings.


Lynnpic avatarShould we talk about the actors? I loved Emilia Clark as Lou. I think she did a great job. Plus AMAZING shoes.




Lynnpic avatarAnd all the other great actors – Brendan Coyle, Charles Dance – who were just relegated to background scenes. But those characters could have been so much more developed, like in the book.


Julie Review AvatarYes all those shoes. But they barely even said she’s a designer. I liked how her quirkiness was portrayed. I think Emilia did a good job. All the joy on her face watching the symphony for example.




Lynnpic avatartrue about the joy on her face. Very infectious! She broke down Will’s guard.


Lynnpic avatarAnd that we prefer Sam as Finnick?




Julie Review AvatarYea totally!


Julie Review AvatarOk I think we’re done hah


Lynnpic avatarhah – I think so, too! We covered everything – how the book was better, with more emotions. Would we recommend the movie? For me, maybe only if you read the book. Otherwise, don’t bother.


Julie Review AvatarAgree. If you read the book and want to see some lovely English countryside and funky yellow stripped stockings, then yea go ahead and rent it.




Lynnpic avatarlol. Yes. Exactly!



Did you watch Me Before You? Read the book? What did you think of both / either?

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Posted September 22, 2016 by Lynn in Movie Reviews, Reviews / 2 Comments


2 responses to “Me Before You – Book vs Movie Review

  1. Interesting! I read another review that thought the movie was better than the book! Lol! Hmm, I haven’t read the book and after that review I was thinking I’d skip it and watch the movie. But I wonder now if they enjoyed it because they had those details in their head and didn’t even realize the movie wasn’t giving them that. Decisions, decisions! Great movie review ladies!
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