Chat Between Chapters: Magazines

Posted October 23, 2016 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 6 Comments


 Do you read magazines? Which ones?

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When I was a teenager I read all the magazines. You know, Teen, YM, Seventeen. For a while I read Cosmo. I more recently used some expiring airline miles to get the smart magazines, like Time, and Parents. But dude, who has time to read magazines? If I read, I prefer my novels. ha. So I just have piles of magazines lying around and eventually getting thrown out.



Unlike Julie, I’m pro magazine. I’m always tempted by their shiny covers while I’m waiting in line at the store. What I like most is the shortness of most articles. I can read an article in between other activities, at one sitting, put it down, and not worry about forgetting where I was in the plot.

I subscribe to Entertainment Weekly. Ok, sure, I’m usually a couple of issues behind. But I read them, front to back.


How about you? Do you read magazines? Which ones?




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Posted October 23, 2016 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 6 Comments


6 responses to “Chat Between Chapters: Magazines

  1. I love magazines — always have — for much the same reasons as Lynn said. Also, for me, a magazine is a mindless read. So much of what I read has to be read critically, and I have to remember and pay attention. With a magazine, I am not obligated to evaluate a thingg! And I love to have fluffy breaks. Right now, I am down to just two subscriptions of my own (Oprah and Redbook), but I swap with several friends and get several others in the rotation (Smithsonian, Runners World, Time, Texas Monthly).
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  2. Michelle Marcil-Spicer

    I read InStyle, HGTV, maybe a People while in line at the grocery store. I also am a fan of journals. The Science Teacher, Scientific American, stuff that applies more to my professional life.