Alright everyone, did you fill out your Bookish Bingo Cards? Share your cards, and link up your posts below!
Recap of the rules:
Each month we will upload a new bingo card. You download the bingo card and mark off squares as you read books each month. At the end of the month, we will post our own bingo cards. Link up your post or post your own bingo card in the comments.
The monthly winner will be the person with the most marked squares. None of that across, diagonal, up and down, corners stuff. Just the number of squares. Be sure to include the books you’ve read for each of the squares. Only books read during the current month count. You may use the same book to fill multiple squares. We’ll announce the winner the following month to allow everyone time to link up their posts.
And to encourage more people than Julie and I to participate, we are going to have a quarterly raffle!
October Bookish Bingo
Click on the card to download.
Mark up the card however you wish to claim the squares.
Well I got 18. Not too bad. October got away from me. As months tend to be doing lately. But can I say how happy I am that I actually read a #ShelfLove book this month?
White Raven: Holiday, Grandparent,
Echo: Diversity, New Job, Farm/Ranch, Character Who Reads, Free Book,
The Summoning: Monsters, Nurse/Doctor, Troubled Teen, Sarcasm, Ghost,
The Bionics: Sci-Fi, Illness (Physical/Mental), Cop/Fireman, Shelf-Love Book,
Finding Mom: Diary/Journal,
Who picked these categories! Let’s just say that finding a book with vegetarians in it was very difficult! I was debating if Twilight would count or not!
With the Free Space, I have 22 squares this month.
Here are the books I read:
Sleigh Bells Ring: Diary/Journal, Nurse/Doctor, Holiday, Farm/Ranch, Illness, Compilation, Free Book
Grasshopper Jungle: Monsters, Sci Fi, Diversity, Editor/Writer/Author
Glittering Court: Library Book, Character who reads, Grandparent, Sarcasm
Shadow Soul: Dragon, Strange/Unusual Pets, Shelf Love
Entertainment Weekly: Magazine
The Summoning: Ghosts, Troubled Teen
Free Space
And now for the announcement everyone has been waiting for:
The winner of most squares for October:
Sue from Book by Book with 20 squares! Great Job Sue! And special shout outs to Kristine and Zoe with 18 each. Great Job everyone!
The third quarter (random) winner is Rose Milligan! Congrats, Rose!
How did everyone else do? Link up your posts or comment with your cards!
Alright, link up your completed Bingo cards here:
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I think I may have gotten my mojo back. I got 22 squares.
October Bookish Bingo
Books Read
Beach House Memories – Mary Alice Monroe
Me Before You – Jojo Moyes
Since All Is Passing – Elizabeth Delisi
5 Minutes with Jesus: Peace for Today – Sheila Walsh
Gnarly New Year – Anna Celeste Burke
Mistral -Bed and Breakfast- – Darcy Coates
Harold and the Purple Crayon – Crockett Johnson
Bingo Card
1 Diary/Journal
Beach House Memories
2 Monsters
Since All Is Passing
3 Nurse/Doctor
Beach House Memories
4 Troubled Teen
Beach House Memories
5 Library Book
Me Before You
6 Sci-Fi
7 Diversity
Me Before You
8 Holiday
Beach House Memories
9 Magazine
Me Before You
10 Dragon
Harold and the Purple Crayon
11 Vegetarian
Gnarly New Year
12 Editor/Writer/Author
5 Minutes with Jesus: Peace for Today
13 Free Space
14 New Job
Me Before You
15 Farm/Ranch
Mistral -Bed and Breakfast-
16 Character Who Reads
Me Before You
17 Illness (Physical/Mental)
Beach House Memories
18 Compilation
19 Grand-Parent
Beach House Memories
20 Strange/Unusual Pets
21 Free Book
Since All Is Passing
22 Sarcasm
Me Before You
23 Ghost
Mistral -Bed and Breakfast-
24 Cop/Fireman
Since All Is Passing
25 Shelf-Love Book
Beach House Memories
I got a total of 22 squares!
Great job, Rose. And I see you found a vegetarian as well. Clearly, I didn’t try hard enough for that one!
Reading a book of short stories really paid off this month! I got 20 squares and barely read anything.
Twelve Tantalizingly Twisted Tales – Monsters, Troubled Teen, Sci Fi, Compilation, ghost, Holiday, farm/ranch
Sir Kaye the Boy Knight, #3 – sarcasm, diary/journal
Hurt: The Inspiring, Untold Story of Trauma Care – Nurse/Doctor, New Job, Illness
Most Dangerous – Character Who Reads, Shelf Love, Editor/Author/Writer
Peace with Bees – Diversity, Free Book, vegetarian
Oprah November issue – Magazine,
Free Space
Kristine Hall recently posted…The Couple Next Door
Great job Kristine. And yes, I used Grasshopper Jungle as an author because the main character is writing the journal/history.
I know I’m always asking questions. . . is editor/writer/author mean one of the characters is one of those? Lynn put that for Grasshopper Jungle — is that ’cause the main boy character kept that journal thing? (it’s been a while since I listened to GJ!)
Kristine Hall recently posted…The Couple Next Door
Either one of the characters is that, or maybe the book talks about someone who is an editor/writer/author. Or maybe the character mentions something that he/she might as well be a writer because of some event. These square topics are open to interpretation 🙂
Meh. :-/
I covered 12 squares.
Freda recently posted…#Win Her Halloween Treat by Tiffany Reisz (US)
I think 12 is great, Freda!
Yay, for third quarter! I agree. The last couple of months seemed to have gotten away from me, too. Good job, everyone!
Thanks, Rose!