Chat Between Chapters: Books everyone has read but me

Posted November 13, 2016 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 13 Comments


 There are books that it seems like everyone else has read, but you haven’t for whatever reason. What are they?

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My reading has slowed down so much in the last couple of years so it feels like everyone has read everything but me! I mean, I was the one super late to the Harry Potter game (but better late than never)!

Let’s see, here are just a few that I haven’t read.

I may not even be interested in reading some of these because length or topic or genre or whatever but still.

I’m sure there are a bajillion more but let’s not just sit here all day OK?


For me, this is probably the majority of my TBR pile! I get ideas from books that everyone else is reading. So many books, so little time.

I’d include any of these in a list of books everyone is talking about, but I haven’t read. Yet.


What about you? Are there books that you haven’t read that everyone is talking about?


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Posted November 13, 2016 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 13 Comments


13 responses to “Chat Between Chapters: Books everyone has read but me

  1. Oh, definitely give The Giver a shot, Lynn. 🙂 It’s short and so beautifully written. I put it off for years because it has such a devoted readership. But I picked it up before the movie came out because I had to know what it was all about.

    And Julie, I read the first book in The Song of Ice & Fire series and listened to book 2 and book 3. Then book 4 goes off the rails (it’s a bridge book in the series and none of the well know known characters have major parts). So I’ve given up on the books and the show…we got distracted by other things like Grimm and Daredevil.
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  2. Lynn – Queen of the Tearling is one of the books on my list — I didn’t like the title, ha! But, Epic is running it now on FIRST5 and I have to say I am getting hooked. Drat. Won’t ever do Game of Thrones. . . just not my cup of tea. And. . . gulp. . . Harry Potter. I read 1 & 2, listened to 3 & 4, and stopped there. Haven’t missed a movie, of course!
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    • Lynn

      Lol about the Queen of the Tearling on FIRSTS. I’ve been reading those this week as well, Kristine. And I was getting hooked as well.

  3. I only just read the Harry Potter books last year too! So don’t feel too bad, Julie.? And I don’t even think I want to read The Cursed Child, eeep. I’ve heard too many negative things about it!
    Also The Giver is suuuuuch a good book, Lynn!! I hope you try it someday. 😀

  4. Oh my gosh – no way can I read all the books! I have read Game of Thrones series though – and I have to say, I liked them (mostly) but the tv series is just as good as the books.

  5. Livia

    There are so many – Hunger Games (kids killing kids turned me off!), Feverborn (I dislike fae mythology intensely), any of Kristen Ashley’s books (her back catalog is simply too massive and intimidating for me), A Court of Thorns and Roses, Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter (the fantasy genre and magic doesn’t really call to me in book form even though I love movies in those two genres) series to name just a few.

    Of the ones Julie mentioned, I’ve only read the Black Dagger Brotherhood series. I stay current on that one because now I only read it via audiobook, I love Jim’s narrating style. Like Lynn, I have Illuminae on my TBR because I chose it as one of my freebie paperback ARCs at the 2015 Pasadena Loves YA book festival. I tend not to read the more hyped novels, so I’m always not going to be part of the cooler crowd of readers.

    • Lynn

      I definitely agree with you, Livia, on not being part of the cool crowd. There are too many books to keep up with!