Chapter Break Bingo – November 2016 Completed Cards

Posted December 2, 2016 by Lynn in Bookish Bingo, Challenges, Featured Posts / 4 Comments


Alright everyone, did you fill out your Bookish Bingo Cards? Share your cards, and link up your posts below!

Recap of the rules:

Each month we will upload a new bingo card. You download the bingo card and mark off squares as you read books each month. At the end of the month, we will post our own bingo cards. Link up your post or post your own bingo card in the comments.

The monthly winner will be the person with the most marked squares. None of that across, diagonal, up and down, corners stuff. Just the number of squares. Be sure to include the books you’ve read for each of the squares. Only books read during the current month count. You may use the same book to fill multiple squares. We’ll announce the winner the following month to allow everyone time to link up their posts.

And to encourage more people than Julie and I to participate, we are going to have a quarterly raffle!

November Bookish Bingo



Click on the card to download.

Mark up the card however you wish to claim the squares.

Julie Review Avatar Julie:

21 squares for me, and I only read 3 books. Not too shabby.


My books:

The Chemist: Teacher, Military, Shopping, Thriller\Suspense, Travel, Reporter\Journalist

Souls of the Never: Grief\Sadness, Alternate Reality\Time, Magic, Dreams\Nightmares, Outer Space, Free Book

The Curse of Tenth Grave (Charley Davidson Series):: Mystery, Tattoo\Piercing, Unique Talent, Set in the Fall, Super Hero, Fire Person\Paramedic, Family Dinner, In a Series



22 squares for me this month. And most all of them were one book. A sign to read more Richelle Mead books!


Here are the books I read:

Fiery Heart: Teacher, Magic, Dreams\Nightmares, Vampire\Werewolf, Shopping, Family Dinner, Travel, In a Series

Sandstorm: Mystery, Grief\Sadness, Military, Set in the fall

Starflight: Tattoo\Piercing, Outer Space

Ms Marvel Vol 2 Generation Why: Unique Talent, Super\Hero, Library Book

The Chemist: Thriller\Suspense

For the Record: Free Book, Reporter\Journalist, Historical

Free Space


And now for the announcement everyone has been waiting for:



The winner of most squares for November:

Rose Milligan (and me!) with 22 squares. And shout out to Kristine Hall with 20 squares. Keep up the great work everyone!

How did everyone else do? Link up your posts or comment with your cards!


Alright, link up your completed Bingo cards here:



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Posted December 2, 2016 by Lynn in Bookish Bingo, Challenges, Featured Posts / 4 Comments


4 responses to “Chapter Break Bingo – November 2016 Completed Cards

  1. So I had 20 squares from 8 books (Pretty Things was a 3 book set).
    Pretty Things: grief/sadness, tattoo/piercing, travel, magic, shopping
    Champion of the Barrio: teacher, military, hero (I think the square was super hero or hero)
    Symphony for the City of the Dead: historical, free book, unique talent
    Timeless: alternate time, in a series,
    Zac & Mia: Shelf Love, dreams/nightmares, family dinner
    The Fisher King: mystery, set in the fall, thriller/suspense

  2. Rose Milligan

    I did fairly well with 18 squares. If I had finished The Chemist I probably would have gotten more, but next time. Congrats to everyone.

    November Bookish Bingo

    Books Read
    Anne & Henry – Dawn Ius
    Wilderness Courtship – Valerie Hansen
    It’s Your Time to Shine – Lynette Hagin
    Something True – Kieran Scott

    Bingo Card
    1 Shelf-Love Book
    Wilderness Courtship
    2 Teacher
    Anne & Henry
    3 Mystery
    4 Grief/Sadness
    Anne & Henry
    5 Military
    6 Alternate Reality/Time
    Something True
    7 Magic
    Something True
    8 Dreams/Nightmares
    Wilderness Courtship
    9 Tattoo/Piercing
    Anne & Henry
    10 Vampire/Werewolf
    11 Unique Talent
    Wilderness Courtship
    12 Set in the Fall
    Anne & Henry
    13 Free Space
    14 Outer Space
    15 Shopping
    Wilderness Courtship
    16 Super/Hero
    Something True
    17 Thriller/Suspense
    18 Fire-Person/Paramedic
    19 Family Dinner
    Wilderness Courtship
    20 Travel
    Wilderness Courtship
    21 In a Series
    Wilderness Courtship
    22 Free Book
    It’s Your Time to Shine
    23 Library Book
    Anne & Henry
    24 Reporter/Journalist
    25 Historical
    Wilderness Courtship

    I got a total of 18 squares!