Chat Between Chapters: Books we Want to Forget

Posted December 11, 2016 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 5 Comments


 There are books we may have read, but wish we hadn’t. What books do you want to forget?

Julie Review Avatar Julie:

I DNF very few books. I tend to power through and try to enjoy everything I read, at least somewhat. But there are some books that are a complete waste of my time, whether I powered through to the end or not. Here are just a few of them #sorrynotsorry

Just because someone is super amazing and invented the epic Harry Potter world, doesn’t mean all her writing is gold… I wasted about 5 hours of audio before  I gave it up.

Boring, weird, and just didn’t hold my interest. Almost a DNF but powered through because it was a book club book. But as it turned out, many didn’t finish.

The biggest yawn and lowest rated stars at book club award goes to… this. Such a stuffy book with very little plot.



For me, books I can’t forget are more the time I’ll never get back after investing it in a book that’s not enjoyable. Like Julie, I also DNF very few books. I’m stubborn! And I mostly don’t feel guilty about DNFing a book when it happens!


I finished them all. And it was a slog.

This took me 6 months to read. That’s how much I didn’t enjoy it. And how stubborn I am.

These are all on my DNF list. I just couldn’t with these.


How about you? Do you have books that you just want to forget?


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Posted December 11, 2016 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 5 Comments


5 responses to “Chat Between Chapters: Books we Want to Forget

  1. I have a few books I am sorry I wasted time on; Worlds of Ink and Shadow, This is Where it Ends, Burning Glass, The Hidden Twin, Of Fire and Stars…just to name a few. I wish I could get those hours spent reading back!
    Great topic!
    Karen Blue recently posted…Weekly Wrap Up #116

  2. I DNF very few books myself. I do however loathe wasting time on a book I really don’t like. Julie, I’ve not tried any of the books on your list and I’ll remember not to. 😉 Lynn, I was sad to see Espionage and Etiquette on your list because it was one I was interested in but if I ever do decide to pick it up, it’ll be from the library. Also hated to see Cold Mountain on this list. I actually LOVED it. 🙂 I’m trying to think of a book I’ve DNF’d or one that I slogged through…the only one coming to mind is The Demon’s Lexicon…which I slogged through and didn’t end up hating. Hmm, need coffee for my brain to really engage. 🙂
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