#COYER Black Out – Joining the Challenge

Posted December 21, 2016 by Lynn in Challenges / 8 Comments

After my BRILLIANT Shelf Love idea to list out the books we’ve had the longest that we haven’t read yet, Terri over at Second Run Reviews decided to join the COYER Black Out challenge.  Since it was my crazy idea that started this, I thought I’d join the challenge as well.


The idea of the COYER challenge is to clean out your e-reader. To read the books that you already own. This lines up perfectly with our Shelf Love challenge! So double credit. I love when that happens. The trick to COYER is that to qualify, books purchased must be free or less than $0.99. This was the most difficult part of the challenge for me. Sure, I have tons of ebooks waiting to be read. But who keeps track of how much those books cost? Not me, that’s for sure. Luckily, Amazon lets you review your previous orders. I had to guess on the others.

Stay turned for my progress. I’m not going to set a particular goal, as this is my first attempt at this. Let’s leave it at any books completed are a plus in my book.

I’ve created a Goodreads shelf for my COYER challenge books.

I’m also embedding my Completed Coyer Challenge Shelf here.



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Posted December 21, 2016 by Lynn in Challenges / 8 Comments


8 responses to “#COYER Black Out – Joining the Challenge

  1. I very, very rarely purchase ebooks. I’m of the philosophy that for a digital copy, most are overpriced (esp. in comparison to the physical copy). Amazon is amazing in how it keeps up with your purchases. It has helped me track down when I purchased a book to know if it counts for “before X date” challenges like Shelf Love.

  2. *laughs* What’s awesome is any books finished before 12/31/2016 will count towards ShelfLove 2016. While I doubt I’ll meet that goal, I might be a step or two closer!

    Oh, and I’ve finished one book already and I’m about a quarter of the way through another…which I might have to abandon. It’s pretty dull.
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