Have you checked out our various Features pages lately? Julie and I are all about Features posts. (Who doesn’t need an occasional break from reviews?) In this new feature post, we will be discussing What Books Taught Us. And no, we don’t mean cooking, crafting, or organizing. We are talking about serious, useful skills. Like how to survive the holidays. We want to make sure all of our readers are prepared!
Surviving the holidays is difficult. We all know this. Let’s use some examples from books we’ve read to help us out. And maybe a splash of alcohol in the hot chocolate, too.
Get a fill in: In Hogfather, Death fills in for Santa, who can’t make it this year. Personally, I think that’s a brilliant idea for avoiding holiday obligations. Send someone else! Death also has the right idea for gift giving. Well, at least my idea as the dedicated aunt\giver of gifts to annoy parents.
(Yes, Death speaks in all caps in Discworld.)
Have a grand adventure: Do you find yourself stuck at boarding school over the break like Harry and his friends? Take this opportunity to explore the restricted section! Don’t worry if Santa will find you or not. He’s a wizard, too. Or attend a Yule Ball. Or maybe just marathon the movies, instead.
Find your place in your family: In Polaris is Where You’ll Find Me in the compilation My True Love Gave to Me, an adoptive daughter tries to fit in. Natalie doesn’t really know where she belongs. Turns out growing up the adoptive human daughter of Santa Claus at the North Pole amongst the elves is trying, to say the least. If you thought it was difficult to fit in with your peers, imagine how difficult Natalie had it growing up! But Natalie works it all out in the end.
Living where I live, it can sometimes be hard to tell the difference between magic and make believe.
Hang out with the cool family members: I always gravitate to sassy characters. And in Winter Town, it’s Evan’s Gram. She’s hip. She knows what’s going on.
I’m on the Internet. I stay informed. They let old people on the Internet, you know.
If you have to spend time with family and friends, spend that time with the people who make you laugh.
Rekindle an old flame: Back in your home town over the holidays? If holiday books have taught us anything, it’s that returning home is the perfect way to rekindle an old flame. In Rekindle the Flame in the compilation Baby, It’s Cold Outside, Beck and Darcy, now that they are adults, they know what they want. And that’s each other.
You always have my attention. When you’re in the room, you’re my sun. (Beck to Darcy)
In All I Want for Christmas in the compilation Sleigh Bells Ring, JoJo And Jed were never really together when they were younger, but always harbored secret feelings towards the other. And now, as adults, they can act on those feelings.
Celebrate the Solstice: Not interested in Christmas? I don’t blame you. Instead, how about celebrating the longest night in Terre d’Ange? You can party it up at a Masque in the various Houses of the Night Court, sipping joie, running in the same circles as royalty. Or, if you are more into inner contemplation, spend the longest night with Joscelin, and the other Cassiline brothers holding vigil.
Joy to you on the Longest Night.
How about you? Have you learned any valuable lessons to survive the holidays from books?
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