We’re starting a new feature here on Chapter Break called Chat About Covers. ‘Cause you know we all judge books by covers, whether we admit it or not. We judge the style, the color and font choices, and just the overall look. That might not keep us from reading the book, but we do still judge.
I quite like this cover. I love the magical feel of the blue-green coloring. The underwater, or is it in the sky, feel to it is lovely. The billowing dress, always a fan. I also like the fonts. The title font is awesome in fact, with it’s own formal but flowy feel. I like the author’s name font as well, especially that M!
The only thing I would change is maybe have the model more turned into herself so you see the top of her head instead of part of her face. I think it would look better since the face just looks a bit awkward partially viewed like that. Either give me more face with closed eyes and expression (ANTM spoiled me on model faces) or give me top of head and no face at all.
My first impression – pretty! I would totally pick this up to read the synopsis! But I’m thinking space – with stars. Not underwater or sky. Weird how Julie and I are looking at the same picture and gleaning two totally different ideas. I like the floaty feel, too. I imagine floating through space. Let’s not think about how there’s no air in space to breathe, though!
I’d probably go with a different font. The lines through the middle of all the letters is distracting for me.
What are your thoughts on this cover?
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I like this cover a lot. Definitely rings of celestial for me, and I like the font a lot. I would also prefer to NOT see any of the girl’s face — like to figure that out for myself while reading and seeing the cover face ruins that. I am a total cover snob — I’ll admit it — even though I have have real examples of yuck covers having great stories within.
Kristine Hall recently posted…Lost Girls ~ ~ ~ Blog Tour*, Review, Excerpt, & Giveaway!
I agree, Kristine. Yuck covers can hold great stories. And vice versa with pretty covers and yuck stories!