#ShelfLove Challenge 2017
We’re co-hosting the #ShelfLove challenge again this year so join us and read more of the books you already bought!
Quarterly Topic: March 2017/April 2017: Top books on my shelf the longest that I haven’t read
Julie’s Challenge Update:
I started book blogging in 2013, but by then I had already become a book hoarder. It just got even worse after that point. Looking at my “soon to be read” shelf on Goodreads gives me heartburn.
So, top books shelved that I collected prior to 2013:
I was on a crime kick for a while (and now am completely burnt out) but I collected a lot of the Women’s Murder Club series by James Patterson (along with many of his other books). I have read 6 in that series so far. The rest have been on my shelves far too long. Same goes for the Hollows Series by Kim Harrison. I collected a ton. Read only 2. And I have collected and read NONE of the Mercy Thompson series by Patricia Briggs.
Top books shelved since book blogging happened:
This one is interesting because a lot of these are first in a series, rather than an entire series collection, or at least a bunch of the series collection. Many are also ebooks versus the actual physical books hoarded/collected previously. Here are just a few.
Challenge progress on the Shelf Love 2017 journey? Two so far. And one “in progress.” That’s one a month, ish, right? Good enough?
Lynn’s Challenge Update:
I am definitely attracted to new and shiny books, forgetting about the old books on my shelves. And I don’t have an answer to that problem. Though, this challenge is definitely helping. I at least don’t buy as many books as I used to!
Here are some books I’ve owned far too long (and these are by no means ALL of the books!) :
>4 years. These are books I owned before I moved to Houston. And still haven’t read. Literally moved books that I still haven’t read.
< 4 years but > 2 years: These are mostly ebooks that I own in Nook format. My Nook died 2 years ago. Now they are sitting in my Barnes & Noble account. Just waiting on me.
< 2 years: The rest of my Shelf Love collection. These include a bunch of arcs I received from a friend. Two Humble Bundle purchases. And a bunch of books I intended to read. But haven’t yet.
As for my challenge progress, I’ve read 6 books so far this year. And I’m in the middle of three others. That’s impressive, at least to me! And now that I’ve figured out I can listen to audio books from the library, I hope to make some more progress.
Link up your challenge post:
Challenge Giveaway Prize
Don’t forget to enter the giveaway after you’ve linked up your challenge posts.
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I can’t even wrap my head around how to frame my post on this topic! 🙂 I’ll get to it. I promise. 🙂
Terri M., the Director recently posted…Introducing Paisleigh Aumack, author | In the Spotlight Interview
Oh, I love this topic! I’m going to have to go check out my bookshelves now. I just know I have way too many books that have been there for years…
Nicole @ Feed Your FictionAddiction recently posted…Is There Such a Thing as a “Quick Post”? Let’s Discuss!
Sounds like you’ve both made a start! Me too, thankfully. Maybe I’ll beat last year’s record of 200 books unbacklogged! …Maybe. *cheers us all on*
Nikki @ The Bibliophibian recently posted…ShelfLove/Game of Books Update
Good luck, Nikki!
You’re both making progress and that’s what counts! This challenge has been really great for me in getting books off my shelves. I’m working on this post currently and like you both, I have quite a few that have been collecting dust for more years than I care to think about. :/ But I’m diligently working at removing books from my TBR and putting them on the Read pile. 🙂 Keep it up, ladies!
Bookworm Brandee recently posted…Review ~ Dare You To ~ Katie McGarry #BloggerShame, #COYER, #ShelfLove
every little book counts, Brandee!