Chat Between Chapters: Series you can’t wait to finish

Posted April 2, 2017 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 6 Comments


Ooh what series are you THISCLOSE to finishing? Either you’re almost done reading a completed series, or the series itself is coming to an end and you just can’t wait to find out how it all ties up. Let’s chat!

Julie Review Avatar Julie:

I’m working my way through the Sookie Stackhouse series and am only a couple of books away from completion. It has been a while since the series ended so I am looking forward to finishing the story.

I’m also up to date with the Charlie Davidson series, though the series has not ended yet, but I think only a couple more books are planned. I can’t wait to find out how it all ends, and am gobbling them up as they release.




I have ONE BOOK left in the Bloodlines series. ONE BOOK. I really need to finish that up!


At least Bloodlines is finished. I think every other series I’m in the middle of is still being written.

I’m not very patiently waiting for the next Jack West Jr., book. Seriously, it’s been released. Just not in th U.S. yet.


I’m looking at the countdown of titles on these, wondering if there will be 3 more?

Next in the Fever series for me is #9 Feversong. And who knows how many more of those will be written. And least one more according to Goodreads.



How about you? Any series that you are on the verge of finishing?









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Posted April 2, 2017 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 6 Comments


6 responses to “Chat Between Chapters: Series you can’t wait to finish

  1. I’ve got the Charlie Davidson series on my library wishlist and have just been waiting for her to finish it before starting. At one point, I thought I’d have to skip it as a series that was going to be too long to commit to, so your hunch that the series is wrapping up is good news.

    I’m currently trying to catch up on the Cold Hockey Fury series by Sawyer Bennett. I started out of order with Max (CHF #6), then I read Alex (CHF #1), Roman (CHF #7). And now I’m listening to Garrett (CHF #2). I started collecting this series in June 2014 and decided to dive in when my library had both Max and Roman available to listen to last month.

    • Julie

      Chrlie is quite a long series but I got through them pretty fast.
      Was it weird reading out of order?

  2. Two years ago now, I took a chance on Netgalley and requested the first in The Great Library series by Rachel Caine. I was lucky enough to get approved for book 1 and book 2. This past week I was approved for book 3. It’s the last book in the series and I’m so torn about reading it. I don’t want the series to be over and I’ll finish it MONTHS before anyone else so who will I talk to about it?!

    Julie, I’ll be curious to hear what you think of the end of the Sookie series. Once I discovered that series and got caught up, I waited each spring for the next book to be released. Charlaine is one of the first authors I attended an event for locally. I met her again at WorldCon this past summer and spoke to her for a few minutes. She is a delightful person! We exchanged audiobook recommendations!
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