Let’s chat about those books that are hidden gems. Books you came across by accident, not because of their popularity, and just loved.
To me, the Dragon’s Gift series is a hidden gem. They are fun and exciting and delicious and not at all well known. I was so happy to have gotten the first 3 audiobooks for review, and now I need the rest NOW!
I’m not entirely sure what constitutes a hidden gem. Outlander and Harry Potter are clearly not hidden gems. But if I’ve heard of a book it can’t be too hidden! Here are a couple of books I really enjoyed that you may not have heard about.
Part travel journal, part cookbook. Read this to know all the best stops to feed your pie needs!
It’s been years since I read this, but I still think about it. Historical fiction, similar concept to Timeline.
How about you? Any hidden gems you want to share with the group?
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I’ll have to check out the Dragon’s Gift Series—that looks like the type of series I could get hooked on!
Nicole @ Feed Your FictionAddiction recently posted…Letters to the Lost Review (AKA My Admiration for Brigid Kemmerer)
One of my favorite hidden gems is Here, There Be Dragons by James A. Owen. It is one of my favorite fantasy time travel novels. There’s a bit of historical fiction (C.S. Lewis and Tolkien play major roles in the books). Plus Owen is a FANTASTIC artist. Each chapter is illuminated.
Terri M., the Director recently posted…A Note from the Director: Taking a Brave Step Forward
There Be Dragons sounds intriguing. And always fun when there is art in books!