Comfort Plans Book Blog Tour, Review, and Giveaway #LoneStarLit

Posted August 4, 2017 by Lynn in Blog Tours, Giveaways, Reviews / 0 Comments

  Genre: Contemporary Women’s Fiction
Date of Publication: May 23, 2017
Number of Pages: 320
Scroll down for giveaway!

Colette Sheridan is being remodeled.

As a San Antonio architect, she’d have vowed her career was to investigate the history and create new functions for the structures everyone else saw as eyesores. The old German farmhouse in Comfort, Texas, might be the screeching end of that dream job. The assignment seemed so ideal at the start; generous clients, a stunning location, and a pocketful of letters that were surely meant to explain the ranch’s story. All that goodness crashed louder than a pile of two-by-fours when her grandfather announced he’d lured Colette’s ex-husband back to San Antonio to take over the family architecture firm. Now, not only does Colette have to endure the challenges posed by Beau Jefferson, the client’s handpicked contractor, a house that resists efforts to be modernized, and letters that may hold the secret to buried treasure, but she also has to decide if she has the courage to fight for her future.

Set against the backdrop of the Texas Hill Country, Colette and Beau have to rely on plans neither of them constructed in order to navigate the changes of a house with a story to tell, and a future they couldn’t even imagine.
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“Kimberly Fish’s unique writing style snatched me out of my easy chair and plunked me down into the middle of her character’s life where I was loathe to leave when my real life called me back. Her descriptive visual writing drew me in on the first page. Can’t wait to read more stories by Mrs. Fish.”

–Vickie Phelps,Author of Moved, Left No Address


The moment Comfort Plans completely sucked me in was when main character Colette was hiding in the small turret room of that old farmhouse. She’s avoiding all confrontation, which I can totally get behind. She finds her backbone finally and decides to start fighting for what, and who, she wants. I can appreciate the growth she shows as a character. She puts on her big girl panties and takes charge of her life.

She wasn’t renovating a house.
She was the one being renovated.

From the cover blurb, I had certain expectations for the romance in the book; oh, how I was wrong. Beau really stood out from the beginning as the choice Colette should make.  If there was ever a race for slow burn romance, Beau’s and Colette’s would be leading the pack. Beau and Colette dance around each other, sometimes coming closer, other times further. I treasured how Ms. Fish wound the story of Colette and Beau into the story of the house. As the rebuild progressed, so did their relationship.

This was not a blinding love at first site. Or a love fashioned by family expectations. This was a love born for a lifelong commitment.

The story of the house and its original inhabitants (Laki and Colin) came together through Colin’s found letters. While this was a fascinating part of the story, one of my few disappointments in Comfort Plans was that I wanted more of Colin’s and Laki’s story. How did they meet? Where did they come from? There were hints in Colin’s letters, but it was only enough to whet my appetite! And then there is Cornbread the dog. I’m wondering if he’s related to the original dog that Colin sent to protect Laki? I want more!

While I’m okay with letting my imagination run free with Colin and Laki, one aspect of Comfort Plans threw me. There is a section in the middle where the narration randomly switched from Colette’s to Beau’s. The transition was jarring. I’m fine with dual narration, but when that change happens inconsistently and\or suddenly, I have an issue. In addition, I didn’t know what Colette was up to during Beau’s narration. For me, that part of Colette’s story was missing.

By the end of Comfort Plans, the mystery is solved. The house rebuild is complete. And I have a soft spot in my heart for this novel – and Beau and Colette in particular. Part mystery, part history, and part romance, Comfort Plans is well-plotted and un-put-down-able. Come for the romance between Colette and Beau. Stay to experience Colette’s growth. Time in Comfort, Texas is time well spent.


1/2 solid stars.



Kimberly Fish started writing professionally with the birth of her second child and the purchase of a home computer. Having found this dubious outlet, she then entered and won The Writer’s League of Texas manuscript contest which fed her on-going fascination with story crafting. 

She has since published in magazines, newspapers, and online formats and in 2017, released the first novel in a series set during the World War II years in Longview, Texas—The Big Inch

She lives with her family in East Texas.
July 31 – August 14, 2017
(U.S. Only)

Excerpt 1
Character Interview
Guest Post 1
Excerpt 2
Video Guest Post
Excerpt 3
Guest Post 2
Excerpt 4
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Posted August 4, 2017 by Lynn in Blog Tours, Giveaways, Reviews / 0 Comments
