Chat Between Chapters: Books that should have had a sequel

Posted August 6, 2017 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 6 Comments


 Let’s chat about those books that should have had a sequel, but for some reason did not.

Julie Review Avatar Julie:

I tend to read a lot of series, or very tied up standalone books that really can’t call for a sequel anyway. But here are some I can think of that could go on.

School Spirits is a spin-off in the Hex Hall world, but is a standalone. There’s a ton more that can be done in this world following Izzy and I’d certainly read some more by this author.

Also, Eleanor and Park could really use some closure.




I really need to start posting before Julie. She steals all my ideas!

I tend to read a lot of series as well. It seems like stand-alone books are few and far between.

Sticking with the Rainbow Rowell theme, I’d pick Landline. I need to know that Georgie and Neal work everything out and live happily ever after.

I loved The Yiddish Policeman’s Union. And having another mystery for Landsman to solve would be right up my alley.

And who else is hoping for a sequel to The Chemist? Me. That’s who!




Any stand-alone books that you would want a to have sequel? Let us know in the Comments!


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Posted August 6, 2017 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 6 Comments


6 responses to “Chat Between Chapters: Books that should have had a sequel

  1. I totally agree about Eleanor and Park. Loved the book- but the ending was not enough. I have had Landline on my list- but now I worry that ends without closure too. I need closure. Great list!