Devil’s Run Book Tour

Posted August 14, 2017 by Julie S. in Blog Tours / 0 Comments

Devil’s Run 
Scandalous Miss Brightwell series
By Beverley Oakley

Author Interview

  • At what point did you decide to be an author and what was your path to publication?

Hi and thank you for inviting me here. Well, I made this momentous decision when I was seven and writing my “School for Witches” series which I’d read to my sisters when we were on holiday at our beach cottage in South Australia.


  • Describe your writing process. Do you outline, plot and plan, or is your writing more organic?

I usually start with a story set-up or ‘what if?’ and write until half way. Then I decide which plot threads to follow through with in order to get to the end – as well as how to get there.


  • Have you been able to incorporate your previous experience in [jobs/education] in your writing?

I’ve had an exciting life, living in twelve countries from Lesotho, Namibia and Botswana, to Canada, Norway, Australia, Solomon Islands and Japan. Of course, my stories are historicals, but I think the sense of adventure is conveyed to the plot and character.


  • Do you identify with your main character or did you create a character that is your opposite?

This is a fun psychological question, isn’t it? I was always the good girl at school, and I think my stories reflect my enjoyment in having a very bad girl as the antiheroine. Maybe this stems also from a repressed urge to be like the ‘popular’ girls at school. 🙂 In my Daughters of Sin series I had enormous fun writing about the ‘bad’ sister, Araminta, who plots serious evil to bring about the ruin of her illegitimate half sisters but in this series – the Scandalous Miss Brightwells – the ‘bad’ sister, Antoinette, is really rather charming. Her ‘badness’ is that she’s addicted to men and is quite happy to enjoy a marriage of convenience with the effete Lord Quamby so she can indulge in her many lovers in between cunning plans to ensure happiness for those she likes.


  • Describe the [book/series] in 10 words or less for people who are just learning about it.

Two match-making sisters who’ve made rags-to-riches marriages turn their talents to finding ‘Happy-ever-afters’ for those who deserve them.


  • What has been the toughest criticism you have received as an author? What has been the best compliment?

Well, I was a little hurt by one Amazon reviewer who wrote the following one-liner: “Bunkum…my budgie can write better than this!” But then I thought: “Good on this reviewer for having invested so much time and love in training her budgie to be the best budgie he can possibly be – and, maybe, if I really apply myself and put in the necessary hard work, I, too, can one day write as well as her budgie.” 🙂

As for the best compliment, I love the many comments that say my books are “well written” and filled with surprising plot twists. I also thought that this line from another Amazon reviewer was nice for readers who are contemplating staring the Scandalous Miss Brightwell series with the (free) series-starter, Rake’s Honour (which, I must warn readers, is steaming and sizzling compared with Devil’s Run). This reviewer writes: “A fast paced story, filled with humour, sexual attraction, love, and desperation.”


  • What is your take on book boyfriends? Do they actually exist? Or do they set the bar for “real life men” impossibly high?

My book boyfriend is my own gorgeous husband who was a sexy Norwegian bush pilot flying guests into the luxury lodges in Botswana’s Okavango Delta when I met him 25 years ago. He is the truly honourable gentleman of Regency maiden’s dreams which is why I tend to write alpha heroes, rather than rakish alpha heroes who have to do the wrong thing, really, before they’re tamed by the heroine. My husband doesn’t even believe in white lies. 🙂


Thank you so much for inviting me here, today. 🙂

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A rigged horse race – and a marriage offer riding on the outcome. When Miss Eliza Montrose unexpectedly becomes legal owner of the horse tipped to win the East Anglia Cup, her future is finally in her hands – but at what cost?

George Bramley, nephew to the Earl of Quamby, will wager anything. Even his future bride.

Miss Eliza Montrose will accept any wager to be reunited with the child she was forced to relinquish after an indiscretion — even if it means marrying a man she does not love.

But when the handsome and charming Rufus Patmore buys a horse from her betrothed, George Bramley, whose household her son visits from the foundling home, her heart is captured and the outcome of the wager is suddenly fraught with peril.
**This is book 3 in the Scandalous Miss Brightwell series, though it can be read as a stand-alone.
This excerpt begins after Eliza has just plunged into the lake to rescue three drowning children and their nanny. Having dragged them – and herself – to shore, she makes a shocking discovery.
Chapter Two
Eliza had forgotten what it felt like to enjoy a man’s attention. He’d started to dry her in a vigorous attempt to warm her but then his touch gentled and he simply stared down at her.
The wonder in his eye as he murmured words of praise was a rare sensation. Embarrassed, she turned away. Yes, turned away because she could not afford to be so obviously disquieted by another man when she was affianced to George Bramley who stood a few feet away from her. He was also staring but there was no softness in his countenance.
Hoping to avoid any more gestures of admiration or kindness from Mr Patmore, Eliza politely extricated herself and put out her hand to arrest the progress of the Foundling Home lad whom Nanny Brown was pursuing with a piece of dry linen.
 His impish grin reminded her of young Miss Katherine’s, Lady Fenton’s daughter. Clearly the two had had a great adventure unlike Young George who was lying on his stomach upon the grass, shaking with sobs.
“Did you drink a lot of water, Young George?” Eliza asked, looking down at the crying boy but he ignored her. “I said we shouldn’t go out! I said!” He pounded his fists. “No one ever listens to what I say!”
 Eliza shared a wry smile with the rather lovely Mr Patmore whom she found still staring at her but, as he looked about to approach her again, she turned her back on him and instead brought the Foundling Home boy to stand in front of her now that she’d succeeded in catching him. Eliza would not have Mr Bramley – or anyone else – accuse her of encouraging the attentions of a man not her betrothed.
 “Jack – that’s your name, isn’t it? Well, you’ll have something to tell them back at the Foundling Home.” She’d seen him only from a distance and now, mud bespattered and with his hair matted over his forehead it was difficult to make out his features though she knew from various anecdotes that young Jack distinguished himself for keeping Miss Katherine’s wilfulness in check and peace between Katherine and her cousin, Young George.
Jack stood obediently before her as he started to wring out his threadbare shirt. “Nah, I’m fine, m’lady,” he said, glancing up to reveal a pair of small white teeth in a freckled face. “But thanks for savin’ me, an’ all.”
Eliza was about to let him go. Releasing her grip a second later might have changed the course of her life, she thought later that evening, and perhaps it would have been better if she had. Why repeat the trauma she’d already experienced?
But for now she was acting on instinct and instead of letting him go when it would have seemed natural, her grip on his wrist tightened while the air in her lungs disappeared, and she had to open and close her eyes three times before she was ready to believe what she saw.
“Gideon?” There seemed still no air to say his name. A great pressure was building in her head. Finally she was able to gasp in a breath, forcing herself to resist the urge to draw him into her embrace and wail her joy.
And pain.
How many other boys of seven years sported a tiny extra claw on their left hand? Or had been thrust into the cold, unloving world of the Foundling Home, she thought bitterly.
He stopped what he was doing to look at her uncomprehendingly and she added faintly, “Though that’s not what they call you, of course.”
An amused look crossed his face, making him look older and wiser than his seven years. Nearby, the weeping and wailing George was a puling infant. Smiling at her was a little man.
He pushed out his chest and said in a tone that was neither boastful nor self pitying, “There’s some ‘at call me Devil’s Cub, or bastard, but at the manor here they call me Jack.”
Devil’s Cub? The sixth finger accounted for the nickname, of course.
“Miss Montrose?” In the distance, Lady Fenton was calling her. Eliza was suddenly shaking like one suffering the ague. “Jack,” she repeated in a whisper, still staring at him as she clenched her own fists. Was the child tormented by his deformity? It looked as if not much troubled him though Eliza couldn’t remember how many times Eliza had been told the sixth finger was God’s punishment upon her bastard babe.
“Miss Montrose! Come away! Susan is waiting in the house with a warm bath and blankets. You must be chilled to the bone!”
Vaguely, she could hear the sounds of concern all around her but all Eliza could focus on was the impish face before her: that of her lost child.
Author Info: 

Beverley Oakley was seventeen when she bundled up her first her 500+ page romance and sent it to a publisher. Unfortunately drowning her heroine on the last page was apparently not in line with the expectations of romance readers so Beverley became a journalist.
Twenty-six years later Beverley was delighted to receive her first publishing contract from Robert Hale (UK) for a romance in which she ensured her heroine was saved from drowning in the icy North Sea.
Since 2009 Beverley has written more than thirteen historical romances, mostly set in England during the early nineteenth century. Mystery, intrigue and adventure spill from their pages and if she can pull off a thrilling race to save someone’s honour – or a worthy damsel from the noose – it’s time to celebrate with a good single malt Scotch.
Beverley lives with her husband, two daughters and a Rhodesian Ridgeback puppy the size of a pony opposite a picturesque nineteenth century lunatic asylum. She also writes Africa-set adventure-filled romances tarring handsome bush pilot heroes, and historical romances with less steam and more sexual tension, as Beverley Eikli.
You can get in contact with Beverley at:

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Posted August 14, 2017 by Julie S. in Blog Tours / 0 Comments
