Let’s chat about all those intimidating books on our TBR list. What intimidates you from your list?
I think what intimidates me most on my TBR list are the series. The long series, that have been out for a while and even where I have collected the books but haven’t read them yet! They definitely intimidate me more than the one-off books I have, first in series, etc.
These series where I have been collecting and not reading include The Hollows (Dead Witch Walking), Mercy Thompson (Moon Called), Dark Days (Nightwalker), and Dresden Files.
I have three different TBR lists, one for books I want to read, one for books to read next, and shelf love books. So many lists of books and so little time! For me, the most intimidating books are the next ones in the series when I didn’t really enjoy the first book. I can’t motivate myself to read a book I’m just not interested in.
Some that come to mind are Sapphire Blue (Precious Stones #2), Vanish (Firelight #2), Midnight Jewel (Glittering Court #2), and Starfall (Starflight #2). Do you see a trend here? Loads of second books that I will probably never read!
How about you? Any daunting books on your TBR?
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The longer books sit in my TBR pile, the less I want to read them. There are always new shiny objects, and I never get to the ones at the bottom.
Niki @ Toot’s Mom is Tired recently posted…22 of the Best Fall Books for Toddlers
Hi Niki! Yes, totally with you on the shiny. That’s why my TBR is insanity and will never be finished ever.
For me, the final book in a series is often really intimidating and I avoid them. I have several series that I’ve yet to finish even though I loved them.
Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction recently posted…Bite-Sized Reviews Audiobook Edition: Midnight Jewel, Daughter of Smoke and Bone Trilogy, Firstlife and Of Beast and Beauty
For me the wildly popular books on my TBR pile are the most intimidating. What if I hate it and everyone loves it? Or what if I love it and everyone hates it? It’s this double edge sword!
Terri M. recently posted…Introducing Wren McCabe, author | In the Spotlight Interview
Very true, Terri. I’ve found a bunch of popular books that I did not enjoy. But there is always the opportunity of a gem in the pile!