#ShelfLove Challenge 2017
We’re co-hosting the #ShelfLove challenge again this year so join us and read more of the books you already bought!
September 2017/October 2017 Topic: Top Books You are Addicted To
Julie’s Challenge Update:
Wow as you can see I am really sucking in this challenge this year. I need to go put myself in time out. But life has been cray-cray and moving and all that. I’m just not reading much, and what I am reading (listening to) have been mostly supplied by the free audiobooks from Audiobook Sync summer program.
As for books I am addicted to, definitely the Charley Davidson series. Just a couple of books left but I gobble them up as soon as they are released.

Lynn’s Challenge Update:
I feel like Terri over at Second Run has left Julie and I in the dust for this year’s challenge. But I’m not doing that bad, with 13 books read. That’s more than 1 Shelf Love book per month.
As for books I’m addicted to, high on that list:
- The Court of Thorns and Roses series by Sarah J. Maas.
- Sleeping Giants series by Sylvain Neuvel
- Illuminae series by Amie Kaufman
I absolutely LOVE these series. I’ve listed to the audio for these; If you are looking to branch out, these books will not do you wrong!
I’ll generally read anything Rainbow Rowell, Stephanie Perkins, or Janet Evanovich writes. I’d say I need these authors to write more quickly, but, I’d rather have higher quality work!
Link up your challenge post:
Challenge Giveaway Prize
Don’t forget to enter the giveaway after you’ve linked up your challenge posts.
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I’m not doing terribly with my challenge, but I’m definitely not doing fantastic either. I’m finding that I’m actually listening to a lot of backlist books on audio instead of reading them—if I own them, I’m still counting that for the challenge, though, because they’re coming off my TBR!
Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction recently posted…Hunting Prince Dracula by Kerri Maniscalco: Review & Giveaway
I count that too, since that’s the only way I read now