Chat Between Chapters: Why has reviewing gotten so hard?

Posted November 12, 2017 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 8 Comments


  Why has reviewing books gotten so hard?

Julie Review Avatar Julie:

It feels like the longer we are book bloggers, the harder it is to write reviews. I feel like I am being repetitive and saying the same things review after review because it is the same things I notice or the same types of things that bother me.

This is especially true when reviewing multiple books in a series – how do you say something new when the author and narrator are the same? I don’t want to give stuff away from the plot, but that’s really what is different, and what drives the reading for me.

I keep taking breaks from writing reviews until something really strikes me to try to make reviewing fun and fresh again, but it is hard to keep it fresh for review copies.

Anyone else feeling the reviewing burn out blues?



I completely agree with Julie. Reviews are getting more difficult to write. And I’m less and less motivated to write them. How many different ways can I say I like the book, the characters are good, the plot is good. Blah, blah, blah. Every review I write feels repetitive.

For me, the problem is books I’m not emotionally invested in, be it either positively or negatively. The 10% of books that I am scream from the roof excited about or throw the book against the wall irritated with are not difficult for me to review. It’s the other 90% that I struggle to review.

Maybe a break is what I need. Or a new format for writing reviews. I’m not really sure.




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Posted November 12, 2017 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 8 Comments


8 responses to “Chat Between Chapters: Why has reviewing gotten so hard?

  1. Sometimes I feel like my book reviews are repetitive, as well. One thing I do is schedule ahead and spread them out. That way, when I have new inspiration, I can mix in those reviews with the ones I worry are feeling a little flat.

  2. I hear ya. I can gush about a book that has all the feels (good or bad!). I think my problem is that there are fewer and fewer books that have the whole package for me — fresh & engaging but also well written and well edited. I am sick of poorly produced books.