We’re starting a new feature here on Chapter Break called Chat About Covers. ‘Cause you know we all judge books by covers, whether we admit it or not. We judge the style, the color and font choices, and just the overall look. That might not keep us from reading the book, but we do still judge.
The cover is quite brilliant and creepy and just the right amount of purple to get me to click click click! Then, I’m with Lynn on the blurb. Nope. No thanks. Too bad I hit buy it now since it’s FREE. Now it will haunt my devices. Oh well.
So yes, skull? Awesome. And brilliantly shiny silver and almost glowy looking. I love the purple roses across the skull and around the frame. When I first got into blogging my layout was a purple rose on a black background, so this is very me.
Clearly, the book has a good cover artist. I’m just not convinced the book has a good plot, or editor, just by reading the all over the crazy place blurb.
The font is alright, kinda cool, but not super easy to ready. The dark purple on the black is a tad hard on the eyes, though I super love the color combination for not text. The paragraph thingy above the title? I can’t read it so don’t know what it says so it is not good.
I think this cover is totally cool. I almost one-clicked it on Amazon. It’s free right now! Even the cover on the second book looks cool.
I have a weird fascination with skulls, what can I say.
Then I read the description. About cannibals. And I hard pass on cannibals. HARD PASS.
Let’s just talk about the cover, instead, shall we?
I like the purple flowers, and how they wrap around the skull. I like the font. It’s cool and elongated. And really fits in with the cover.
Overall, a cover that caught my eye. At least until I read the description.
What are your thoughts on this cover?
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