Bringer of Chaos: Forged in Fire
The Sempervian Saga (Book 2)
by Kayelle Allen

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****Author Interview with Kayelle Allen***
What do you do when a new idea jumps out at you while you’re still working on a book? Do you chase the squirrel (aka “UP syndrome”) or do you finish your current project first?
I used to chase bunnies like a rabid dog, but I’ve gained discipline. Now, I open up an ideas document and make notes. I save and close it and go back to work. I have dozens of book ideas floating around but would never be able to remember them all. Writing them down frees my mind to go back to what I was doing without distraction. If I jump around I will never finish anything.
Who is your favorite character to write, and why is that person your favorite? If picking a favorite character would be like picking a favorite child, which character seems to be the most demanding or your attention and detail as a writer?
Well this is an easy question! Pietas fits the bill on all of these areas. He’s the hero of my current release and also my previous book. He’s been in all but one or two books I’ve written. He’s fascinating and perhaps our souls were linked in some other dimension or lifetime. He’s way too real to be simply a fictional character. Read this book and you’ll see what I mean. Pietas pulls you into his world. I can’t not write about him — double negative intended. He has so many layers and secrets I doubt I will ever know them all.
What are some books or authors that you would recommend to our readers?
Theodore Cheney wrote Getting the Words Right more than twenty years ago, but it remains a hallmark for writers today. One thing that stood out in my mind about this book was learning that words change the chemistry of the brain. White space at the end of a paragraph has an effect as well. Where you place words in a sentence is as important as which words you choose to write. I’ve used the advice in this book for over ten years, and have won national awards, and garnered multiple four- and five-star reviews. This book is available in Kindle and print. It’s recommended by many editors. If you can only get one book on writing, make it Getting the Words Right.
I wouldn’t be without The Emotion Thesaurus, compiled by Angela Ackerman and Becca Puglisi. This little gem belongs in every writer’s bag of tricks. Say you’re writing a bit where your character feels regret. How do you show it? If you have this book, you go to the page labeled regret and read physical signals displayed by someone who’s experiencing it. There might be internal signals. Then there are mental responses, and cues of long-term repressed regret. This is just a tiny peek at the multitude of details provided by this book. Grab this one. It’s a keeper. There are other versions available too, such as Negative Traits and Emotional Wounds.
Describe the [book/series] in 10 words or less for people who are just learning about it.
Bringer of Chaos: the Origin of Pietas is book one and the sequel is Bringer of Chaos: Forged in Fire.
In ten words about the series:
Immortals, panthers, angst, passion, adventures, vengeance, agendas, secrets, forgiveness, friendship
Do you have any odd (writing) habits?
Does this count? When I write, my characters burst into life like Minerva stepping forth from Jupiter’s head. In mythology, she came out wearing armor and carrying weapons. Once I know the character’s name it’s as if they stepped out of a dimensional wormhole and into my world. I (generally) know everything about them. Except Pietas. He sort of sneaked up on me when I wasn’t looking and haunted me until I wrote about him. I learn more about him with every page I write. I’ve completed two of what will be more than three but probably less than a dozen books. I’m not sure yet. Pietas is an immortal king with an ego the size of a planet and a heart to match. He’s damaged, but I can’t say no to him.
What has been the toughest criticism you have received as an author? What has been the best compliment?
Toughest — that I don’t write “real” science fiction because I don’t focus on the science. I prefer using a science fiction setting and world but I created it not to showcase science but the people who live there. To me, the people and relationships are the real story. The best compliment is when someone gets excited about my characters and wants to talk about a scene. That makes my entire day.
Share some advice for aspiring authors. What advice would you give to your younger self?
Don’t give up. No one can take away your dream but you. Keep going and keep working. Learn the craft. Always be a student of writing.
What is your favorite line from your book?
There’s a scene in which Pietas has bonded telepathically with Tiklaus, a sentient panther who, like Pietas, is immortal. Though the cat can’t speak, it can communicate concepts like loyalty and duty. It’s creators trained it to obey commands, it’s intelligent and understands everything Pietas says. He plays with the cat like it’s a sparring partner and they wrestle and smack each other around. Afterward, once he catches his breath, Pietas looks around to make sure no one’s watching. He kneels and scratches the panther’s ears, and says, “Who’s a good kitty?” This ginormous, deadly, highly trained panther licks his face and flops down on the ground for a belly rub.
To date, what is your favorite (or most difficult) chapter you have ever written?
It’s the scene in Origin where to save his mother from perma-death, Pietas must surrender and accept exile. These immortals could live forever unless consumed by fire or chopped into pieces. If he saves her, he will sacrifice both his freedom and his empire. The magnificent fight sequence that begins that chapter was exhilarating. The moment of choice for Pietas at the end was heartbreaking.
What do you like to do when you’re not writing?
I’m a movie-holic. I am always reading something, or studying some new aspect of writing. When I’m not doing that, I love pyramid solitaire. I think I’m addicted to it. I recently had over 7000 wins on my Kindle, and when Amazon upgraded the software for the system, it wiped out the entire score. I have to start over. *eyes crossing* I’m also just starting a Tai Chi class, because I’m a couch potato and seriously need to move more. This is slow and relaxing, just my style!

Bringer of Chaos: The Origin of Pietas
Why should Pietas end the war with humans?

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Thank you for hosting me and my immortal king today!
Thank you so much for sharing this great interview 🙂