Chat Between Chapters: Sarcastic Characters

Posted January 14, 2018 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 7 Comments


 Let’s chat about our favorite sarcastic characters!

Julie Review Avatar Julie:

Sarcastic characters are tons of fun. Some of my favorites include:

  • Cat from the Night Huntress series. She’s very um catty LOL and fun.
  • Vlad from the spin-off Night Prince series. Because he’s that Vampire, and he’s cruel and sassy at the same time.
  • Sabina Kane is quite sassy

But the most bestest sarcastic and sassy character of all? That’s right, my girl Charley! And if you haven’t read the Charley Davidson series, go!



Sarcasm is my default mode and reaction to pretty much everything. Heck, I’ve been known to wonder at my own sincerity on more than one occasion. Because of this, sarcastic characters really make an impression on me.

  • Jace from the Mortal Instruments and Emma from Dark Artifices are both great sarcastic characters. I think Cassandra Clare does a fantastic job with both of these characters.
  • Denton and Paolo from Denton Little’s Deathdate series are both hilariously sarcastic, especially when playing off each other.
  • Rose from the Vampire Academy series is also strong with the sarcasm. I think that’s one of her features that really drew me into the stories.


Well, I’m off to invent a sarcasm font. What does everyone else thing about sarcastic characters? Any favorites?



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Posted January 14, 2018 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 7 Comments


7 responses to “Chat Between Chapters: Sarcastic Characters

  1. Sarcasm is my go-to-weapon haha ? I absolutely love characters who are sarcastic especially when the author writes them well enough to not make them sound rude or annoying, it’s a tough job to accomplish! Rose from TVA is my fave, too <3 I was pulled into the series particularly because of her…and of course, the female friendship bond that it was focused on.

  2. I love sarcastic characters in a book! It makes for the best dialogue!

    My favorites are Ian Taggart from Lexi Blake’s Masters & Mercenaries series and Marnie Baranuik from @AJ Aalto’s Marnie Baranuik series.

  3. My students have told my teacher BFF “Ms. Anderson is the most sarcastic teacher.” I take it as a compliment – at 10 they can recognize! haha I think I use sarcasm as a self-defense mechanism, too. A really good sarcastic character I read was Hunter from King of the Friend Zone. I loved his character!

    • Lynn

      Hah! That’s great, Charlie! I’m glad that you are the most sarcastic teacher. And thanks for the recommendation. We’ll have to check that out!