Why I Hate Green Beans Book Blog Tour, Review, and #Giveaway #LoneStarLit

Posted February 20, 2018 by Lynn in Blog Tours, Giveaways, Reviews / 16 Comments

and other confessions about relationships, reality tv, and how we see ourselves
Genre: Humorous NonFiction / Memoir
Publisher: Revell
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Date of Publication: February 6, 2018
Number of Pages: 208

Scroll down for the giveaway!

Insecurity. As women, we all struggle with it. Our skinny jeans mock us. Our age-defying serums with flecks of gold refuse to erase our crow’s feet. Our social media feeds taunt us with everyone else’s picture-perfect lives. If you’ve ever felt uninteresting, unlovable, or unattractive, you’re ready for Lincee Ray’s particular brand of hilarious (and hard-hitting) self-reflection.
Like a trustworthy friend, she shows us that the fastest way to happiness is to embrace ourselves in all our imperfection and trust that God knew what He was doing when He made us. From maneuvering the muffin top to navigating the sketchy waters of singleness to walking the judgmental halls of the workplace, Lincee’s laugh-out-loud look at real life reveals many of the key truths she’s learned about her identity:
Yoga pants are your friend, Jesus sees you, and green-bean diets are never the answer.

“Lincee is a brilliant writer. She once described me as ‘smelling of worn leather, a vintage nine iron and swagger.’ She pretty much nailed it. She is definitely worthy of the final rose.” —Chris Harrison, host of ABC’s Bachelor franchise and Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?
“I found myself laughing out loud, wiping away a few tears, and cheering her on every step of the way. Lincee is the best friend you wish you had. Get ready to fall in love with her and her fabulous debut book!”  —Melanie Shankle, author of the Big Mama blog 
“By the end of this book, you’ll think of Lincee as a favorite friend: someone who shoots straight, finds the funny in every situation, and reminds you what matters most. You are in for a treat!” —Sophie Hudson, author of Giddy Up, Eunice and cohost of The Big Boo Cast podcast


I know what you are thinking, I never read memoirs. It’s true, I prefer to read fiction. But sometimes, you have to take a shot at something different. I tried Why I Hate Green Beans. And like trying anything new, I didn’t hate it! I actually enjoyed myself!

To start, I’m impressed by Ms. Ray’s courage at putting her life out there in a book for us to read, flaws and all. I don’t think that I’d have the fearlessness to do the same.

I’d also like to point out that I actually LOVE green beans. They are one of my favorite vegetables. But I can totally understand why Ms. Ray hates them. If I were in her situation, I’d probably hate them as well.

Here are some of the aspects of the book that I liked:

1) There are many helpful key information boxes throughout the book. From tips about skinny jeans to tips on dating gleaned from years of watching and recapping The Bachelor, Ms. Ray cuts to the chase and tells her reader what is important. Here are two examples of key information boxes that I love:

“If your plunging neckline is so deep it looks like your exposed sternum is being prepped for heart surgery, button up.”


“If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times, leggings are not pants.”

I totally agree with BOTH of these quotes.

2) The humor in Why I Hate Green Beans is on almost every page. As you can see from the above quotes, the sarcasm is strong with Ms. Ray. And I love a good sarcastic book.

3) Ms. Ray clearly put all of her emotions on the pages of this book. My two favorite chapters are the ones where Ms. Ray has hit rock bottom. I know, I’m weird. But reading those bared emotions really struck a cord with me.

4) The book flows chronologically. This is a very logical decision that works well for me as a reader. The novel starts when Ms. Ray was a teenager and followers through to her life til now. We see her mature while following the natural progression of life.

5) The writing style is very conversational. Ms. Ray parlays her skills as a blogger and recapper into a style that is easy, and, more importantly, enjoyable, to read.

We all have the vegetables we don’t like (GROSS EGGPLANT!). Similarly, there are some aspects of the novel that I didn’t like:

1) I found teenage Lincee really bothersome. I wanted to skip these chapters. I really didn’t click with Lincee til she was in college and more self-confident. Once we moved past the troubled teen years, I was more interested in Ms. Ray’s story.

2) Ms. Ray repeatedly reminds us that she is an extrovert\introvert. I’m not disputing that extrovert\introvert people exist. Just that I really couldn’t figure out what this has to do with anything else in the book.

I really enjoyed this memoir. And as an avid EW reader, I’ll be actively looking for Ms. Ray’s work on the website and checking out her blog in the future. Don’t be afraid to try a new book genre and check out Why I Hate Green Beans for yourself!

Thanks to author Lincee and Lone Star Book Blog Tours for providing this opportunity to review Why I Hate Green Beans. I received the novel free in exchange for my honest review.

Lincee Ray is an accidental blogging superstar from Texas who now writes for EW.com and the Associated Press. An active speaker, she can be found at her popular website ihategreenbeans.com, where she makes it clear that she believes it’s important to tell your story—even if it makes you seem a little crazy.

Connect with Lincee!
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FEBRUARY 13-22, 2018
Copy of Why I Hate Green Beans with a signed book plate, $50 Barnes & Noble Gift Card, and Lincee’s Loves Basket which includes: Rave travel hairspray, Minnie Mouse ears, Vodka*, Heartbreakers Candy, Dr. Pepper, chocolate rose, and green jelly beans.
2nd PRIZE:
Copy of Why I Hate Green Beans with a signed book plate, $25 Barnes & Noble Gift Card
3rd PRIZE:
Copy of Why I Hate Green Beans with a signed book plate, $10 Barnes & Noble Gift Card
(U.S. Only; *proof of age required for vodka)


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Posted February 20, 2018 by Lynn in Blog Tours, Giveaways, Reviews / 16 Comments


16 responses to “Why I Hate Green Beans Book Blog Tour, Review, and #Giveaway #LoneStarLit

  1. Audrey Stewart

    I just love this title. It’s great. I would buy the book for that alone. I loved reading the review.

  2. Danielle Hammelef

    I love the conversational and humorous tone of this book. It’s just like being with a close friend and honestly discussing life.

  3. Amy Woolard

    Now this book sounds like what I need in my life!! I would love to read this one!! Congratulations!!!!

  4. VERY informative review about the nuts and bolts of this book. Thank you! I have been hearing a lot about the whole introvert/extrovert thing, and it seems like it’s people who are semi-introverted — like just in certain situations? I would love to read Lincee’s take on this and see what it’s all about.

    • Lynn

      Thanks, Kristine. And yes, I have friends who are the extrovert\introvert types. The introvert in me just doesn’t get it!