Chat Between Chapters: Books that should have ended differently

Posted March 25, 2018 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 3 Comments


  Let’s chat about those books that we really think should have ended differently.

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You want to know a book that should have ended differently? Gone Girl. That book should have ended differently. Like so: Murder-Suicide.  That’s right.




I found some Goodreads lists (here, here, and here) that show a bunch of books with bad endings. I can kind of see the point of Allegiant being on the list. I found it not necessarily “bad”, just predictable. I had the same feelings about The Last Star. I don’t really get what people hate about the ending of Breaking Dawn? (Maybe someone can help me with that one.) And there is always the uproar over the ending of Eleanor and Park. Personally, that ending worked for me. But for me, I vote Jane Eyre. Jane really should have left Rochester at the curb!


What about you? Any books that you would rather see with a different ending?



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Posted March 25, 2018 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 3 Comments


3 responses to “Chat Between Chapters: Books that should have ended differently

  1. I had no problem with Breaking Dawn’s ending at all. The Twilight series is my most re-read series ever, so I think that speaks to my intense adoration of this vampire romance. I abandoned reading the Divergent series after someone in completely different read-along book discussion meeting spoiled the ending to it. I knew Veronica Roth had killed off a MC but not which one because I had been successfully avoiding spoilers up to that point. I actually didn’t like reading Divergent much and it took me about 6 months before I went back and finished the last 90 pages of it. Dystopian doesn’t work well for me in written form, but I enjoyed the movies.

    Another one I abandoned was the Shatter Me series. I stopped after Unravel Me because a reader commented on my review about who the heroine ended up with. And it was not the guy I thought she should be with in the end. I see Tahereh Maf has written an additional novel in the series, but I don’t give authors who disappoint me to that extent another chance. She is super nice in person, and so is Veronica. But authors who kill off major MCs can’t be trusted to deliver satisfying reads again I feel since I’m in it for a HEA. The HEA is the reward after the roller coaster ride of sheer escapism. That’s what I want.

    • Julie

      Shatter Me is interesting because it makes you hate the villain so much at first and fall in love with him later.

      I agree I had no issues with Breaking Dawn and I also liked the way the movie did it.