Chapter Break Blogoversary! Plus Giveaway!

Posted April 5, 2018 by Julie S. in Giveaways, On Blogging / 15 Comments

Chapter Break is turning 5!! Happy Blogoversary to Chapter Break!!




This lovely video was a gift for our first blogoversary from the lady herself who inspired the name.


cbaquiran / Pixabay

We decided to share our top 5 favorite lessons learned from our blogging journey!


Julie Review Avatar Julie:


  1. Blogging, Book Blogging especially is more about community than it is anything else. We have so much more fun together when we share in the joy of books and fun of chatting about these books. This is why book blogging is more fun with a friend *Hi Lynn*
  2. Blogging takes a lot of time. Lately, I spend more time blogging than reading. You have to keep being exciting (and excited) for people to want to read what you write. That is the ultimate goal, right?
  3. Blogging connects you to so many wonderful authors and books you may have never gotten the privilege of meeting.
  4. Book Blogging makes you want to read ALL THE BOOKS. ALL of them. Even though it is physically impossible without becoming immortal.
  5. Book blogging makes you careful about what you accept for review, because of the aformentioned time constraints. Ultimately, when you get more relaxed about what you read and stop accepting requests you didn’t apply for, book blogging gets a lot less stressful and you remember why it was fun to start in the first place.


Comfreak / Pixabay



Lynnpic Lynn:

Julie makes some great points. Especially about blogging with another person. I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for her! Hi back, Julie!

    1. Write your reviews right after you finish reading. Even if it’s just some notes. Don’t start another book until the review is finished. No way are you going to remember what happened in the last book if you’ve already moved on to the next.
    2. Reading should be fun. Talking about books, i.e. blogging, should be fun. Don’t put so much pressure on yourself that you are not having fun. If you want to post 10 times a week, cool. Go for it. If you want to post once a week, that’s cool, too. Do you!
    3. In the same vain, blog about what you are passionate about. I like blogging about movies and tv shows that are based on books. We all know and love the books. It’s great to have another medium to showcase our passions. Hello Shadowhunters and Outlander fans!
    4. GIF it up. I love using GIF’s in my posts. The adage of a picture is worth a thousand words is totally correct. Plus, GIF’s are totally fun. Here’s one for you for the heck of it!   (Via GIPHY)
    5. Saving the best for last, blogging is all about the community of people we read and interact with. It’s great to be involved with so many people who also love to read and talk about books.

Now, who’s name should I use to enter the giveaway? I want that wand!






And now for our awesome giveaway!! Julie’s former neighbor bestie owns a handmade company called Skilled Smith Workshop where they do custom woodworking. So we are giving away a lovely prize of a GORGEOUS handmade blue wand. That’s right ladies and gents, for your magical enjoyment 🙂

Retail Value $35. Giveaway is US only.

Enter below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Please note all the additional entries are *optional* so please visit the profiles before you decide whether to follow.

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Posted April 5, 2018 by Julie S. in Giveaways, On Blogging / 15 Comments


15 responses to “Chapter Break Blogoversary! Plus Giveaway!

    • Julie

      Thanks Nicole ? it helps to bounce things off each other. But harder now that we don’t live in the same place. Getting together in person is way more fun.

      • Lynn

        That is definitely true. We message a lot now. And it’s not the same as meeting in person!

  1. Danielle Hammelef

    Book Bloggers rock because they spend so much time bringing books and authors and thoughtful reviews to our attention. I love my book blogs and find my next books to read from them always.

  2. Tammy V

    Sometimes I’ll read a blogger’s post on a book and rethink my view of the book or even the author.

    • Lynn

      Very true, Tammy. I’m always finding books I want to read after reading another blogger’s reviews!