Ready Player One
Plot Synopsis: In the year 2045, the real world is a harsh place. The only time Wade Watts (Tye Sheridan) truly feels alive is when he escapes to the OASIS, an immersive virtual universe where most of humanity spends their days. In the OASIS, you can go anywhere, do anything, be anyone-the only limits are your own imagination. The OASIS was created by the brilliant and eccentric James Halliday (Mark Rylance), who left his immense fortune and total control of the Oasis to the winner of a three-part contest he designed to find a worthy heir. When Wade conquers the first challenge of the reality-bending treasure hunt, he and his friends-aka the High Five-are hurled into a fantastical universe of discovery and danger to save the OASIS.
Director: Steven Speilberg
Starring: Tye Sheridan, Olivia Cooke, Ben Mendelshon
Movie info from IMDb
I originally intended this post to be a book vs the movie review. But it’s been ages since I read Ready Player One. And honestly, as one of my friends succinctly put it, this is an entirely separate story. Instead, we’ll have a movie only review!
The Easter Eggs are strong with this movie! Ready Player One couldn’t have been in better hands. Steven Speilberg is a master of 80’s films. Who better to helm a movie where the main focus is 80’s nostalgia? I appreciated Mr. Speilberg’s decision to not include references to his own movies. And how the crew tried to sneak in some references to those movies. I’m pretty sure I would need to watch this movie 12 times, frame by frame, to catch all the cool nods to other films. And I’m completely up to that challenge.
Oddly, or maybe not oddly, I savored the scenes in the OASIS more so than the “live” action scenes. The stark reality of 2045 Columbus does not look fun; it’s no wonder everyone escapes to the OASIS. I love the idea of being whoever you want, looking however you want, doing whatever you want. The scene in the dance club with Wade dressed like Buckaroo Bonzai (one of my ALL TIME FAVORITE movies), dancing with Artemis to the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack is so well done, I think I could watch it over and over.
Ready Player One is sending messages that I can truly stand behind. First and foremost, the Oasis is meant to be multi-player, and enjoyed as a team, not as a single player. Wade and his group of friends succeed in the end by working together. Cooperation is a great concept that we could all use more of. #TeamHongKongCavaliers
The second message is one that I take to heart regularly – unplug every once in awhile. Spend some time in reality every once in awhile.
If you are curious about the movie, no, you don’t need to read the book to understand what is happening. It’s a great science fiction movie that rocks all the 80’s nostalgia that you could ever want. But mostly, it’s about the little guy defeating the giant corporation, making the world a better place. A movie that I can thoroughly recommend. B+ for sure. Go see it!
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Woo! Glad to hear you liked it. I want to see it!
Do it, Julie!
Great review! I haven’t read the book yet, but I’d like to. I did see the movie and I really enjoyed it – particularly because of all those 80s nods. Such fun. and I agree, the time in the Oasis was more fun than the time outside of it, even if one of the messages was that you need to unplug a bit. Perhaps the world wouldn’t have been so crappy if people did unplug more often?
Berls recently posted…It’s about time! Red Queen #review
good point, Berls. Maybe the world wouldn’t be so crummy if people unplugged!