Let’s chat about those series that should have stopped. With one book.
There are quite a few series where if I didn’t enjoy the first book, I wouldn’t have bothered with any following books. So I don’t know if those are fair to list here. But I’ll list a few where the first book was good, and the series got progressively worse.
Divergent series. Yep, I said it. The first book was awesome. Then it just started going off on tangents. Not to mention the very controversial ending.
Birthmarked series. I really liked the first book, and kind of the second though it does sort of what the above did with the second dystopian society, but then it just died with the third.
The Testing trilogy. The last book was just disappointing. As was the second.
I completely agree with the Testing trilogy, Julie. I’ll add these to the above list:
Matched Trilogy: Much like The Testing, or Divergent for that matter, this book started off really strong. And then I slowly lost interest as I read the other two books in the series.
5th Wave Trilogy: I loved, loved, loved, The 5th Wave. Great premise. Great characters. And I wish this were a series where I didn’t read the other books. I was so disappointed by the end of The Last Star, and the trilogy as a whole.
I’d add Carve the Mark and Roar to this list as well. So much so that I have zero interest in continuing the series.
How about you? Any series you wish would have stopped with just one book?
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Funnily enough, I discussed this on my blog only a few days before you did, and I also discussed Divergent! Glad to know there are more out there who weren’t into the sequels. My post is here if you want to check out the ones I think should have stopped: https://clockworkbibliotheca.blogspot.com/2018/04/top-ten-series-that-should-have-ended.html
AH yes! I never even read the final Matched book!
Julie S. recently posted…Build Your Own Shakespearean Insult infographic to celebrate the Bard himself
don’t bother, Julie!