That’s what HE said Thursday- May 2018

Posted May 17, 2018 by Lynn in ThatsWhatHeSaid / 0 Comments


We are hosting a meme called: That’s what HE said Thursday. For more info on what this meme is all about click hereWe will be doing our posts once a month rather than weekly. The Linky will be open all year long and you are welcome to continue doing your post weekly and linking them up.


LynnpicLynn’s Quote:

“I must be crazy, talking like this. Of all the damn times to get tangled up, you know? Did I mention he grew up to be stupidly handsome?

-Asha Grant to Kady Grant about Rhys Lindstrom in her journal





MALIKOVA, E: Whadda you kids say when all this is over, we hit it for dinner.


MALIKOVA, E: I’ll code you the recipe. You’ll love it.


-Ella Malikova to AIDAN via chat

(Obsidio (Illuminae Files #3) by: Amie Kaufman, Jay Kristoff)

Last year I used some AIDAN quotes from Gemina for TWHS. This time, I wanted to spotlight some of the women in Obsidio. I just love this series! The books are witty, funny, emotional, and an amazing reading experience.

In the first quote, we have Asha’s journal, in the form of video recordings she’s addressed to Kady. I love that this quote showcases the emotional turmoil that Asha is going through, running into her old boyfriend and his perfect hair, while also trying to survive her planet’s occupation. Such a great example of the emotional undercurrents in this series.

In the second quote, we see the humor and wit of the series. Throughout the three books, AIDAN does not get sarcasm at all. And those scenes are just some of my favorites!



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Posted May 17, 2018 by Lynn in ThatsWhatHeSaid / 0 Comments
