Interview with author Paul T H Mitchener
Q. What are some books or authors that you would recommend to our readers?
I love to read Terry Brooks (The Shannara and Landover series), to me he’s one of the best fantasy writers alive today. I have been reading his books since 1978 and I would highly recommend him to anyone. His storylines are amazing, and his characters have such depth it’s easy to believe that you know by the time I’ve finished the book and unlike many authors, Terry Brooks novels are never too heavy to read and are just good around escapism.
Q. Tell us what you enjoy most about writing Fantasy.
I loved creating a world in which everything is possible and nothing impossible. Writing fantasy has given me the freedom to place my characters in any scenario imaginable. With no limitations or restrictions in where I can go, gives me the freedom to explore and expand not just the storyline or characters but also my own imagination. To me, it’s a form of escapism, giving me and hopefully the readers a break from this busy, noisy and sometimes demanding world in which with live.
Q. What have you found to be most challenging about writing in Fantasy?
When writing an autobiography, thrillers or “who-done-it” the characters are already known to the reader or easy to relate to, but in fantasy it’s not so easy to make the storyline and especially your characters believable, for example, if the main character in a novel is detective in set in London, it’s far easier for the reader to relate to them than it would be to relate to an elf in J.R.R. Tolkien’s middle earth. It’s only too easy to lose ones way, so I try to develop characters and locations from people and place in which I know and at times have created characters from a mix of individuals to create and character that the reader could love or hate but more importantly, make he or she is believable.
Q. Have you been able to incorporate your previous experience in your writing?
I have loosely incorporated a small amount of my previous experiences as a managing director in my book, mainly to describe how one of the characters felt at the end of his working day and how he was seen in society as a whole. But more importantly, I have used my knowledge in countryside management and conservation, a subject in which I am well qualified, to try and underline the whole message of the storyline.
Q. Do you identify with your main character or did you create a character that is your opposite?
As a young teenager, I can identify with the main character in my book. Like all teenagers I was a little lost at times, having no idea what I wanted from life. Like many youngsters today, Henry (the character in my novel) has to find his own way in the world, having ignored advice from his elders for most of his teens. I sincerely hope that all my younger readers find a little of themselves in Henry, his uncertainty, his moods and his passion.
Q. Describe the book in 10 words or less for people who are just learning about it.
Pure adventitious escapism, a hint of romance and thought-provoking.
by: Paul T H Mitchener
Synopsis: Between Darkness and the Light.
A bored and confused teenager is thrown into a world full of strange creatures and realms that he believed only existed in books and fairy tales. Henry is destined to become the next host master and lead the everlasting fight between the darkness and the light. The Wyvern, an ancient creature of mythical powers and defender of all living things must find a host (Henry) to be able to dwell and stay in this world.
After his encounter in the woodland with Bert the old man and Ben the odd dog (both guardians of nature) Henrys life changed and would never be the same again, his mother (Hazel) and aunt (Sophia), had kept from him the fact that they were creatures of natures and like Bert and the odd dog, guardians of the woodland and of nature, as such process great magical powers. Henry has to grow up fast to find the strength he would need to face up to both his own demons as well as those sent by the Shadow master, a powerful sorcerer, who with the aid of dark allies has the power to destroy life as we know it and spread darkness across the world.
The balance between the light and the darkness has shifted and for the first time in centuries allowing the shadow masters minions (night walkers) to venture out into the towns and street before darkness falls, they feed on the ever-increasing negative emotions and greed of humans, making them and their master ever stronger. With the help of Mylon (the elven king), his mother and the guardians and with the support and love of Bree (a wood nymph) Henry has to find a way to reset the balance before it’s too late.
About the Author
Paul T H Mitchener
Why I wrote “Between Darkness and the Light”.
I’ve had a burning desire to write a fantasy for many years now (being a fan of Terry Brooks) however, I didn’t want to write just any story, although, like all writers I want the readers to enjoy it but I also want them to come away from it thinking a little more on what we as a species are doing to our world, I sincerely hope that my passion for nature and my love of fantasy novels has been reflected in my story. I have allowed a few close friends and family to read it and they all tell me that they loved the strong characters, the relationships between them and especially the way I managed to tell their own individual stories without losing the main plot.
Suffering with dyslexia most of my life has made it difficult for me to do or achieve all the things in life that I’ve wanted to do, however, through dedication to my work and sheer determination I managed to advance my career to company director. So, I’m sure it goes without saying, that writing any form of correspondence has been difficult for me, that said, I have never given up on myself or my dream to write a book someday, being semi-retired (due to ill health) has now given me the time and the opportunity to do just that. Ten years ago, and at the ripe old age of fifty-two I went back to college for two years to study conservation and countryside management (which to me is a passion, having spent most of my childhood on a farm and in the countryside) and achieved top pass marks as well as best student of the year for two years running, which, to say the least, was a great achievement for someone that struggles with the written word. Writing this book has helped me, not only with the fear of writing but also helped me to cope with the chronic pain that I have to live with from day to day.
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