What do you do when a new idea jumps out at you while you’re still working on a book? Do you chase the squirrel (aka “UP syndrome”) or do you finish your current project first?
If I don’t have an idea for another book by the time I’m half-finished with the book I’m working on, I get nervous! If that happens, then I go into denial mode, whining to my husband that I’ll never write another book because the “idea well” has dried up! He just laughs.
When I do get ideas, regardless if I’m in the middle of writing a book or not, I jot down the idea and maybe some notes about characters or situations. Then, I can relax because I know there is another story waiting when I’m ready.
Describe your writing process. Do you outline, plot and plan, or is your writing more organic?
I do both. I may start a story just by sitting down and hammering out some words, but as the story takes shape, I’ll stop to do a loose outline. Many times, I’ll outline first. At least write down some scenes I want to include or just a line of dialogue …and sometimes, I’ll build a whole chapter around that line. That happened a lot when I wrote my Tizzy/Ridge trilogy because it has quite a bit of silly humor in it.
Tell us what you enjoy most about writing?
This is for any genre. After I’m long gone from this earth, my words will still be here. That gives me great joy.
What have you found to be most challenging about writing in romance?
Sex scenes. Not because they make me uncomfortable, heck, I like writing them. I find it challenging to make clear who is doing what to whom without using so many pronouns. He did this. She did that.
Do you identify with your main character or did you create a character that is your opposite?
Every female main character I write has a little bit of me in them. Of course, I have her do things Ann Everett would never do!! That’s the fun of it!
What has been the toughest criticism you have received as an author? What has been the best compliment?
I once had a reviewer say the only reason they were able to give the book a one star is because it had a recipe in it! I suppose if the book had not had the recipe, they wouldn’t have reviewed it because there is no zero rating!!
I’ve had so many nice reviews, I can’t choose just one.
Bad reviews don’t really affect me. Like good ones, it is just one person’s opinion and everyone sees a story in a different way. I learned long ago to write for me. Tell the story I want to tell and not worry about anyone else. Like they say, I can’t make everyone happy. I am not a cupcake.
Share some advice for aspiring authors. What advice would you give to your younger self?
This is funny because my younger self didn’t write books. I got started very late in life. But one of my top recommendations when I speak to writing groups is to join a writing site OR a local critique group. I belong to both and the help I get from members is priceless.
What is your favorite line from your book?
After a steamy love scene, Ritter says to True, “You are something.” And she says, “I don’t want to be something. I want to be everything.” I think that’s how we all feel when we fall in love.
To date, what is your favorite (or most difficult) chapter you have ever written?
Most difficult. It’s the same in every book—the ending. I have a heck of a time ending a story…even if I know how I want it to end. I think it’s because I DON’T want give up the characters I’ve fallen in love with. Even after I’m done with a book, some days I’ll think…I wonder what they’re doing today? I know. I’m weird.
What is your take on book boyfriends? Do they actually exist? Or do they set the bar for “real life men” impossibly high?
Well, certainly in the body image part they set the bar high. I know a lot of men and I can only think of one who would fit the bill of book boyfriend. He was a former bodybuilder. However, even hot guys have both bad and good traits just like real life men. I even fall in love with my male characters, so my answer has to be yes, they exist!
Have you ever experienced writer’s block? How did you deal with it?
I don’t really call it writer’s block. I get stumped sometimes trying to decide what I want the next chapter to be. When that happens, I step away from writing. Sometimes for a few hours while I go to a movie, or sometimes days while I do other things. I don’t stay stumped for long.
What do you like to do when you’re not writing?
I like to bake. Go to movies. Binge watch a series on Netflix. Iron. Yeah, I know that sounds crazy, but I actually love to iron. I think it’s the instant gratification aspect of it!
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About True:
Sometimes it takes losing everything…
True Shanahan must be the unluckiest woman in the world. Either that or she’s cursed. After another failed relationship, True leaves Dallas with a broken heart and new attitude. It’s time to walk on the wild side. But when she makes a wrong turn and ends up in Bluebird, Texas, the only man she wants is anything but reckless.
…to find all you’ve ever wanted.
Ritter Malone is the town’s favorite son and has the local hero awards to prove it. Seems he’s always in the right place at the right time. But when he crosses paths with True, his life takes a turn he never sees coming. Her songwriting skills may be questionable, but her ability to turn him inside out is indisputable.
Welcome to Bluebird, Texas.
Where a chance meeting gives two people a chance at love.
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Thanks so much for taking part in True’s release tour. I “truly” appreciate it! ~Ann