We’re starting a new feature here on Chapter Break called Chat About Covers. ‘Cause you know we all judge books by covers, whether we admit it or not. We judge the style, the color and font choices, and just the overall look. That might not keep us from reading the book, but we do still judge.
There is something so poetically artistic about this cover and it keeps drawing me in. The landscape is lovely, and the overlay on the girl’s back is a unique idea. I like the font, too, though it could be more substantial. I like the curly part of the V quite a bit. I like how her hair is elaborately done, like a lady of the times from whenever the story is set.
It screams historical fiction with intrigue and class. I haven’t actually read the description so I don’t know the exact premise, but it would entice me to pick it up, perhaps as a book club read (if I still did those. I miss those).
I totally adore this cover. Every time I see this book in Goodreads I think to myself, oh, I need to read that! Maybe this cover chat will inspire me to move to the actually reading stage. 😉
I’m a huge fan of landscapes. Paintings. Photos. I’ll take whatever I can get. I especially love how this landscape is painted on the model’s back. And how the painting looks like it’s wrapping around her sides, with the illusion of covering her front as well. The earthy tones in the hillside and sky really appeal to me.
I also like the other art-y aspects of the cover. The model’s back, with her hair up in a bun and a great earring. The calligraphy-ish title font. The empty space balances well with the rest of the cover.
Overall, totally great cover in my opinion!
What are your thoughts on this cover?
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