Let’s chat about the books we wish we could read for the first time all over again!
I keep going different directions with this topic. Should I want to read for the first time the series that got me reading again as an adult?

Should I want to read again for the first time a series I just loved a whole lot and met the author a ton of times?

Or should I want to read for the first time a series that I wish I read when it started, along with others my age?

Which would you want to read for the first time?
I’d definitely say Phedre’s Triology by Jacqueline Carey. I devoured these books when they first came out. I even distinctly remember buying the 2nd book in the series without knowing anything about the books. Mostly because it had a cool cover! (SEE BELOW!) I didn’t realize it was the second in the series til I started reading it and couldn’t figure out what the heck was going on. But once I went back and read the first book, I was hooked! I love the world-building, especially how the people of Terre d’Ange are descended from gods, the political intrigue, the adventure. But I think mostly, I adore Phedre and Joscelin. I’ve been thinking about re-reading these books. But they are LONG. And there are a lot of other books out there I could be reading. And it’s not as exciting to re-read books when you know what happens, especially who dies! If I were to go back and re-read, I’d probably skim through and just read the juicy bits. Wink. Wink.
I’m totally adding links to ALL the covers. As they are gorgeous!
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I’ve seen this question brought up before, and Harry Potter always seems like a popular answer. I don’t know which books I’d want to read again (for the first time), but I would think a book that really surprised me would be great because it would do it again!