How to Get Over the Death of Your Favorite Book Character

Posted August 27, 2018 by Julie S. in Blogging Guests / 0 Comments

How To Overcome The Death Of Your Favorite Character

While reading a beloved book, one may feel a strong connection to some particular character. You may love him or her for extraordinary behavior, some special traits of character or exact actions that were taken by this person and changed the plot dramatically. However, you can never know which destiny was chosen by the author of the masterpiece. Some of the greatest people in your favorite story may pass away unexpectedly. In this case, you should be well armed with all the necessary pieces of advice to overcome this horrible accident.

What pieces of advice may be useful in this situation?

Read fan stories!

There is a great way to overcome this kind of grief – we are talking about reading fan stories. These are the stories, written by the admirers of some particular book or film. People who create them are regular Internet users, being extremely fond of some particular heroes. They develop the plot of a unique story with their favorite person as a main character. Thus, the individual you like will never die. He or she will always live on the Internet pages in the plots of these stories.

Write fan stories!

Once you feel like being ready to accept the fact of the death, try to write these fan stories yourself! You may develop the plot of your character’s analysis in any direction. Add new characters if you want to. In case if your hero is a lonely guy, you may create a perfect girl for him! The same rule can be applied to a female character. In your imaginable world, on the pages of your story, your favorite character will never be alone or unhappy. He or she will be always alive!

Reread or rewatch your favorite episodes!

You may always refresh all the greatest memories of your favorite character by receding or rewatching your favorite episodes that have left big traces in your mind. Try to think of the best moment that is associated with this person and find out in what episode/scene/on which page you saw it.

Write a biography of your hero!

This piece of advice is great for special fans! If you are all into some particular individual you found in some book or movie, you may write a biography of this person! It does not matter that this human does not exist. You can make him alive by providing other fans with the real biography you created yourself.

Rethink the death of your character!

Of course, it is hard to accept that your favorite character passed away, but this could have been done for some purpose! Maybe the idea of death has a much deeper meaning than you can find from the first sight. Think of the reason the author may have chosen to sharply cut the life story of this person. You may find out, that it was done in the sake of something very important and meaningful.

Find yourself the other person for admiration!

Probably your book or movie is not all about just one person. There can be a plenty of different personalities with some special attractive features. Just try to disperse your focus and broaden the horizons. Do not concentrate on one exact character and idealize him or her. Nobody is perfect, including this very person. So, you can always substitute his or her absence with someone else.

Try to replace your book or movie with one that resembles it a lot!

In case, if your favorite hero passed away and, in addition to this, your film/book/series has come to its end, you may try to look for some substitution! It is a widespread phenomenon when some particular films or series are shot in a very similar way to the existing ones. A striking example of such a situation is “Elementary”. It is a series with the plot that is very similar to a well-known masterpiece – “Sherlock Holmes” series. That is just one example. Try to Google this information by simply typing “A film/book/series similar to…”

Look for a film that was shot based on your book!

A good way to refresh your memories for ones who need this is looking for the films that were shot based on the story of your book. More and more books are turning to become films these days. It is very interesting to see how the film director saw the character you like. Moreover, the general plot may be changed. Sometimes, even dramatically. Thus, it is always interesting to compare both written and filmed variants to find out what you like more. It is also great to see how your hero can be perceived by different people. Maybe the director will not show him as an example to follow, but as a bad guy. Thus, watching a film can even change your attitude towards this very character for worse or better, you never know.

All in all, we want to stress on that fact that hiding your emotions is not a way out of the situation, no matter what the actual reason for your depression is. In case of the death of your character, try to overcome it with all the spectrum of your feelings and don’t be too much focused on this situation. You will definitely find a new book. Probably, not the only one. So, more and more characters to admire are still waiting for you!


How to Get Over the Death of Your Favorite Book Character


My name is Alexia Wolker, I am a blogger and work as an editor. I have a Master’s Degree in literature and love both reading and writing about books and literary topics. I also help students with their literary assignments – articles, essays and summaries of books, my works you can see  website


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Posted August 27, 2018 by Julie S. in Blogging Guests / 0 Comments
