Chat Between Chapters: Favorite books set on a school campus

Posted September 23, 2018 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 2 Comments


  Let’s chat about our favorite books set on a school campus.

Julie Review Avatar Julie:

Like Lynn said, there are some classic and iconic books set on a school campus. But there are so many more than the Harry Potter, Twilight, and Vampire Academy franchises.

A favorite series of mine set on a school campus is the Soul Screamers series. It’s a series I sing the praises of all the time. I love the characters and was a bit obsessed with this author for a while. I mean, she’s cool, and fun, and I got to meet her a ton of times while she still lived in Texas.


Another of this blog’s favorite takes place on a college campus. The book is called Easy, which is a sexy tattooed up teacher’s assistant and student romance. And another favorite teacher-student romance of course, obvi, is Slammed! We love CoHo!


I also really enjoyed the Hex Hall series, which, you guessed it, takes place at a magic academy. But our main character is a bit unique, and we don’t learn all the secrets until the end, so that made the series super exciting.

And let’s add one more favorite to the equation. This was a book we read in our book club and we all loved it. It’s intense, full of emotions, secrets, and two people helping each other heal.



Obviously, we have Harry Potter and Vampire Academy and Bloodlines. But let’s discuss some other books set on a school campus.

All the Rainbow Rowell books. Well ok. not ALL. But Fangirl and Carry On for sure. I love Simon and Baz. But really, I’m here for Cath & Levi and emergency dance parties.


Anna & the French Kiss : Out of the whole series, I loved this one the best. Étienne is one of the best book boyfriends out there. And Anna is pretty great as well! I really love how she discovers Paris through food. I’d be doing the same.

Moxie : If you didn’t see my review, check it out here. This is definitely a top read for me. So much #Grrlpower.

Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy : I always love a good Shadowhunter story. This collection of short stories of Simon while he’s attending the academy, learning how to be a Shadowhunter is great. I love all of the history. And some amazing narrators on the audio book.


How about you? Any great books set on a school campus that you want to share?


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Posted September 23, 2018 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 2 Comments


2 responses to “Chat Between Chapters: Favorite books set on a school campus

  1. Lynn

    good call on Hex Hall, Easy, and Slammed, Julie! I forgot all about those. And Sea of Tranquility as well!