Alright everyone, did you fill out your Bookish Bingo Cards? Share your cards, and link up your posts below!
Recap of the rules:
Each month we will upload a new bingo card. You download the bingo card and mark off squares as you read books each month. At the end of the month, we will post our own bingo cards. Link up your post or post your own bingo card in the comments.
The monthly winner will be the person with the most marked squares. None of that across, diagonal, up and down, corners stuff. Just the number of squares. Be sure to include the books you’ve read for each of the squares. Only books read during the current month count. You may use the same book to fill multiple squares. We’ll announce the winner the following month to allow everyone time to link up their posts.
October Bookish Bingo
Click on the card to download.
Mark up the card however you wish to claim the squares.
Don’t forget your bonus points if you have a female doctor!
Yay for 18. My two paranormal reads really covered some ground!
The Hunted (Hunter Circles, #1): Orange/Black on the Cover, Audiobook, All Hollows Eve, Free Book, Vampire/Werewolf/Demons, Demon Slayer, Darkness vs. Good, Kidnapped,
Hexed (The Iron Druid Chronicles, #2): Costume/Disguise, Hero/Heroine, Zombies/Undead, In a Series, Pranks, Road Trip/Travel by Car, Coffee or tea drinker,
Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How to Say No to Take Control of Your Life: Not in a series, Doctor,
I barely finished two books in October. I’m calling my 13 squares a win.
Here are the books I read:
Big Inch: Costume/Disguises, Orange or Black on the Cover, Candy/Sweets, Audio Book
Mistletoe Miracles: Contemporary, Hero\Heroine, Doctor (sadly not female!), In a series, Love Triangle, Free book, Road trip \ Travel by car, Coffee or tea drinker
And Free Space makes 13.
And now for the announcement everyone has been waiting for:
Rose Milligan and Jamie at Whatever I Can Think Of! both completed their boards with 25 squares! Great job ladies!
How did everyone else do? Link up your posts or comment with your cards!
Alright, link up your completed Bingo cards here:
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22 for October – one of my best months yet!
Thanks for hosting!
great job, Sue!
Pretty good here: 20 squares plus a female doctor 🙂
Stephanie Jane (Literary Flits) recently posted…Challenge WrapUp October: Bookish Bingo
Great job, Stephanie Jane!
I think this might be the first month Julie beat me in squares. Great job, Julie!
I got a total of 23 Squares…no contemporary or demon slayer. Plus I got 1 bonus for a female doctor. So I actually got 24.
October Bookish Bingo
Books Read
The Only Pirate at the Party – Lindsey Stirling and Brooke S. Passey; (Narr.) Lindsey Stirling
Sophie the Sapphire Fairy – Daisy Meadows
Lucy the Diamond Fairy – Daisy Meadows
The Girl’s Still Got It – Liz Curtis Higgs
Elvis and the Grateful Dead – Peggy Webb
Hello Again – Brenda Novak
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone – J.K. Rowling
Bingo Card
1 Costume/Disguise
The Only Pirate at the Party
2 Orange or Black on the Cover
Sophie the Sapphire Fairy
3 Not in a Series
The Only Pirate at the Party
4 Read a Physical Book
Sophie the Sapphire Fairy
5 Contemporary
6 Candy/Sweets
Elvis and the Grateful Dead
7 Hero/Heroine
The Girl’s Still Got It
8 Library Book
The Only Pirate at the Party
9 Audiobook
The Only Pirate at the Party
10 Doctor
Elvis and the Grateful Dead
11 Zombies/Undead
Hello Again
12 Child’s POV
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
13 Free Space
14 In a Series
Sophie the Sapphire Fairy
15 Love Triangle
Elvis and the Grateful Dead
16 Pranks
The Only Pirate at the Party
17 All Hollows Eve
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
18 Free Book
The Only Pirate at the Party
19 Shelf Book
The Girl’s Still Got It
20 Road Trip/Travel by Car
The Only Pirate at the Party
21 Vampire/Werewolf/Demons
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
22 Demon Slayer
23 Darkness vs Good
Lucy the Diamond Fairy
24 Kidnapped
Hello Again
25 Coffee or Tea Drinker
Elvis and the Grateful Dead
Bonus+ Female Doctor
Hello Again
I got a total of 23 squares!
Bonus points for a female doctor! +1
great job, Rose. Especially with the bonus point!
Congrats to Rose & Jamie for finishing the board last month!
I had 18 this month with the Free space.
Darlene recently posted…#Book #Review: 4 out of 5 stars for Double Trouble by Michael Pellowski #MichaelJPellowski #WillowispPress
Great job, Darlene!