Chat About Covers: Through A Dragon’s Eyes

Posted November 8, 2018 by Julie S. in Chat About Covers / 0 Comments



We’re starting a new feature here on Chapter Break called Chat About Covers. ‘Cause you know we all judge books by covers, whether we admit it or not. We judge the style, the color and font choices, and just the overall look. That might not keep us from reading the book, but we do still judge.


Julie Review Avatar

There’s something eerily intriguing about her eyes! I mean, I get the book is called through a dragon’s eyes but they really nailed it with the literal cover! I’m so intrigued and kind of mesmerized every time I look in her eyes. Great artistry.

Everything is ORANGEYELLOW but it works well. I like the gradient transition in the title font.  And in the background. Kind of like she’s made of fire. Again, dragon analogy. Me likie.

OOOH and the font, looks like there’s a little dragon head on the S. Good font.

I’m just not a fan of the sunbeam or whatever that is coming from the text.  It kind of looks like her chest cavity exploded. And I don’t think dragons do that.


Lynnpic avatar
I totally agree with Julie on her eyes. They seriously draw my attention to this cover. Overall, great make-up job on the cover model.

I like the balance in the cover. The model’s face is prominent. The other aspects, like the sun and two dragons, balance out the cover. I do kind of wish the two dragons were better positioned to look like earrings. But that’s probably my own desire from dragon earrings! I especially like the gradient of darker orange at the top to the white at the bottom.

Title font is good. The letters of the title stand out like a title should. And I’m glad they didn’t overdo the author’s name.

Overall, this title catches my eye enough to want to read more about it. Plus dragons!


What are your thoughts on this cover?

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Posted November 8, 2018 by Julie S. in Chat About Covers / 0 Comments
