Snatching Dianna
Feisty Lawyers Book 1
By Seelie Kay
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Author Interview:
- What do you do when a new idea jumps out at you while you’re still working on a book? Do you chase the squirrel (aka “UP syndrome”) or do you finish your current project first?
I will stop and make notes, then continue on with whatever I am working on. Writing does require a certain level of discipline. It is important to stay focused.
- Who is your favorite character to write, and why is that person your favorite? If picking a favorite character would be like picking a favorite child, which character seems to be the most demanding or your attention and detail as a writer?
When writing the Kinky Briefs series, there were certain couples I fell in love with: The Sheikh and his American lawyer wife who sue terrorists on behalf of their victims, the police chief (with a fondness for handcuffs) and his criminal defense attorney wife who seek to right wrongs, and the covert agent and his law professor wife, who are smart, funny, and incredibly hot! Each of these couples have wonderful relationships and incredible lives. And each and every one of them is dedicated to preserving justice. I wanted their stories to continue, so I created the “Feisty Lawyers” series. “Snatching Dianna” is the first book in that series.
- Describe your writing process. Do you outline, plot and plan, or is your writing more organic?
It pretty much comes together spontaneously. Usually, my stories are triggered by a series of events: a news story, a conversation, an intriguing fact, a past experience, and/or a dream. The “what if’s” eventually lead me to the story.
- Describe the [book/series] in 10 words or less for people who are just learning about it.
The Feisty Lawyers series is about smart, courageous lawyers who play to win.
- Is there anything you would like people to take away from your book?
My book ends with this statement: Experts say that more than 3,000 people around the world are sold, kidnapped, or forced into slavery each day, many of them children. Even in the United States, men, woman, and children are snatched off the streets for the purpose of human slavery. Slave traffickers do not discriminate by race, gender, religion, education, or socio-economic status. Victims of slave trafficking come from all walks of life, as do those who traffic in humans. It is a crime of international proportions and one that requires committed international cooperation. I think that says it all.
- Share some advice for aspiring authors. What advice would you give to your younger self?
Just do it. So many people tell me they are carrying around a great book in their head, yet do nothing about it. If you have a story to tell, the first step is getting it down on paper!
- What do you like to do when you’re not writing?
Because I not only write romance, but also ghostwrite non-fiction for others, it is rare that I am not writing. So when I have any free time, I pretty much seize the day and go wherever the day takes me. Sometimes that involves curling up in front of the fireplace and reading, baking a luscious dessert, trying a new restaurant, seeing a new musical or movie, or going to a hockey game. Other times I pack a bag, hop in the car or on a plane, and head out for a weekend adventure.
About Snatching Dianna:
The hours are counting down as investigators try to prove that Dianna Murphy has been snatched. Unfortunately, without witnesses and solid evidence, all the police really know is that she is missing.
When suburban Milwaukee law student Dianna Murphy fails to connect with her roommate, there is no real evidence that she has been snatched. Until Law Professor Janet MacLachlan, a former covert agent, discovers a single clue, one that points to a taking by a slave trafficking cartel. In a race against time, Janet recruits her husband, secret agent Cade Matthews, small-town Police Chief David Manders and his wife, criminal defense attorney Julianna Constant, and other law students to uncover the truth. Can they prove she has been taken, before Dianna disappears without a trace?
Romantic Suspense (Three Flames)
Buy Links:
Barnes and Noble: Coming soon
After what seemed like hours in the sweltering van, it lurched to a stop.
Dianna heard a man bark orders. A door to the van opened and someone pulled the rope from her feet, then removed her hood. She took a deep breath. A man grabbed her by the arm, forced to her feet, and pulled from the van. Dianna stumbled when she hit the ground. The stones were hot and her feet were covered by athletic socks, no shoes. Show no weakness.
Dianna immediately surveyed her surroundings. It was still night, but she was in a well-lit courtyard. A large stone mansion stood in front of her. She looked to her right, then her left. The courtyard was enclosed by a large stone fence, at least eight feet high. A fortress. Fortunately, Dianna was a rock-climber. She could rappel over the fence with the right equipment. All she would need was something to serve as a pick, maybe a rope. A knife, a screwdriver, even a fork. Keep your eyes and ears open. Be ready.
A large black man, dressed in a white suit and a maroon turban, walked out of the front door and down the stairs. He stopped and flashed a malevolent smile. He flung his arms wide and in a cultured baritone boomed, “Welcome to paradise, ladies. I hope you enjoy your stay.”
Some of the guards laughed.
“Crikey,” Tillie muttered. “Sounds like a blasted genie.”
Dianna glanced sideways and for the first time, got a look at her new friend. She was tall and thin, her body well defined. She looked strong and aware, almost fierce. Her eyes seemed to be studying the place, taking everything in. She showed no fear. Instead, she seemed interested. Something was off. Tillie did not act like a victim as the others did. She was not cowed. Was she a cop? Or like Dianna, someone who would not permit themselves to be broken?
There was only one thing of which Dianna was certain. She had found a friend. A useful one.
About Seelie Kay:
Seelie Kay is a nom de plume for a writer, editor, and author with more than 30 years of experience in law, journalism, marketing, and public relations. When she writes about love and lust in the legal world, something kinky is bound to happen! In possession of a wicked pen and an overly inquisitive mind, Ms. Kay is the author of multiple works of fiction, including the Kinky Briefs series, The Garage Dweller, A Touchdown to Remember, and The President’s Wife.
When not spinning her kinky tales, Ms. Kay ghostwrites nonfiction for lawyers and other professionals. She resides in a bucolic exurb outside Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where she shares a home with her son and enjoys opera, gourmet cooking, organic gardening, and an occasional bottle of red wine.
Ms. Kay is an MS warrior and ruthlessly battles the disease on a daily basis. Her message to those diagnosed with MS: Never give up. You define MS, it does not define you!
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Thanks so much for the interview and for hosting “Snatching Dianna” today! The next book in the Feisty Lawyer series, “Infamy,” will be released on January 4!