Madison Michael’s Moonlight & Moet Blog Tour

Posted December 6, 2018 by Julie S. in Blog Tours / 0 Comments

Moonlight & Moet
B&B Billionaire Romance Series (Book 2)
By Madison Michael

Madison has put together some really awesome Prize Packages to giveaway during the tour. Please use the Rafflecopter below to enter. Remember you may enter every day for your chance to win one of the prize packages. You may find the tour locations here (

Interview with Author Madison Michael:

At what point did you decide to be an author and what was your path to publication?

When I retired from 28 years in corporate management I vowed to spend my time as I chose and to learn. An online course in Romance Writing met both requirements. When I completed the course I had 90% of a novel written and good friends encouraging me to publish. I opted to self-publish. After answering to executives all those years, I wanted to be my own boss.

What do you do when a new idea jumps out at you while you’re still working on a book? Do you chase the squirrel (aka “UP syndrome”) or do you finish your current project first?

I have a file “Plot Ideas” where I capture snippets and full-blown plots, character studies and observations. It serves as a holding tank while I complete my work in progress. The exception is when I am experiencing writer’s block with my current project. Sometimes, in that situation, I will jump to a new project to keep the creative juices flowing.

Who is your favorite character to write, and why is that person your favorite? If picking a favorite character would be like picking a favorite child, which character seems to be the most demanding of your attention and detail as a writer?

I really enjoyed writing my male characters and speaking in a male voice, but that said, without a doubt I loved writing Sloane the best. She is such a bitch! Transforming her from the spoiler in Bedazzled, into the heroine in Beholden was a joy.

My current character, tentatively named Bianca, is giving me a run for my money. She was elusive at first, but now she is firming up in my brain. I love writing sassy women, but Bianca comes with a lot of hurt from the past and weaving that into her current personality has been a challenge.

Describe your writing process. Do you outline, plot and plan, or is your writing more organic?

I start with a basic plot. Usually when I complete the story the plot is still intact. Not so for my rough outline. I do a one-liner description of the action for each chapter, something as short as ‘fight’ or ‘sex’, enough for me to be sure the action moves forward at the pace I desire and that I don’t ramble on for 300 pages. That outline will undergo several revisions as my characters take shape and begin to drive the story more. Ultimately, my novels are about the characters and their relationships. As their love story evolves, I increasingly ignore my outlines.

What are some books or authors that you would recommend to our readers?

It depends on your taste – and your heat levels – but I have a few authors whose work I love. I will read anything they write. Kate Cantebary has a wicked sense of humor. I can’t put her books down. I especially love her Walsh brothers series because of the discussions of architecture. Kate knows her stuff.

For some of the sexiest books around, I love reading “the Shakespeare of smut”, CD Reiss. The woman knows how to write sex and a lot of it. But her characters are compelling and her plots are clever.

For historical romance, anything Tessa Dare writes is okay with me.

Tell us what you enjoy most about writing steamy romance.

I love happy endings of course, but I also enjoy character development and a good story. For me, the pleasure is writing intelligent, escapist fiction and not just fairy tales. Sure my characters are rich and privileged, but they are not always born into privilege. Sometimes they work hard to earn it. And sometimes it is Princess Charming and not Prince that I create.  Still, ultimately, I love bringing my characters beyond their inherent flaws, helping them learn and grow so that they are receptive to love and we are able to cheer them on.

What have you found to be most challenging about writing in steamy romance?

Categorizing the books is actually the biggest problem. I love writing a steamy romance but I don’t consider my writing erotica. Turns out that Amazon doesn’t have a ‘steamy romance’ category so I use the romantic erotica genre. That pushes me to make sure my stories are erotic enough even when the plot elements don’t fit the character development. This can create a challenge.

Have you been able to incorporate your previous experience in [jobs/education] in your writing?

I found the software business too dull for a book setting, but I did travel a great deal for business and I can use that, and I managed consultants, which I have used in Our Love is Here to Stay.

The friends I made in my jobs and schools are some of my best fans now. I think that is the best benefit from my prior life.

Do you identify with your main character or did you create a character that is your opposite?

There are aspects of me in my characters, and aspects in my characters that I wish were in me.

Is there anything you would like people to take away from your book?

I want my readers to feel good about the characters. I want them to see them grow until they are deserving of their happy ending. That is the most important thing to me.

Do you have any odd (writing) habits?

I wish I did. That would make me more interesting, perhaps, but the truth is that I just sit and a desk and write.

What has been the toughest criticism you have received as an author? What has been the best compliment?

My first (and to date only) one star review was a severe blow to my ego. But once I recovered my equilibrium, it was fantastic feedback. I learned from the review that I needed less telling and more showing, and that I was too long winded. I am a better writer for that review.

On the flip side, my first fan letter from a total stranger saying she couldn’t put my book down all night – that more than made up for the bad review!

Share some advice for aspiring authors. What advice would you give to your younger self?

Don’t over-analyse your work and don’t start editing until you finish a first draft. The first because you will second-guess your skills and that can lead to giving up. The second is because editing too soon can prevent you from finishing and in truth, the editing will be better if you step back a bit first. Read great writers, in and out of your genre, and keep at it.

What is your favorite line from your book?

Oh wow, I have never thought about this. I think my favorite scene is the drunk scene, but a favorite line requires more thought. Perhaps “This time we’ll do it without the boots,” from Moonlight & Moet. I promise you whatever it is, it is the last line of a chapter. I always love writing the sentence that I want to lure you to keep reading.

To date, what is your favorite (or most difficult) chapter you have ever written?

The first  chapter of my first novel was by far the hardest I wrote. The last chapters are always hard for me too, wrapping things up and letting go of the characters so that I can move on. My favorite chapter has to be my drunk chapter in Moonlight & Moet, the first time I tried my hand at romantic comedy. I loved writing some humor so watch for more of it in future novels.

What is your take on book boyfriends? Do they actually exist? Or do they set the bar for “real life men” impossibly high?

Mine are designed to set the bar impossibly high – too handsome, too rich, too smart and able to overcome the one flaw I give them. Also, my book boyfriends never ever ever have an orgasm without satisfying their lady first. That – according to every woman I know – just ain’t real.

Have you ever experienced writer’s block? How did you deal with it?

The first time I had writer’s block, I got almost nothing done for three full months. It was devastating. Now I understand that writer’s block is a cry for help from my brain. It is a sign that I am still working out the specifics of a plot or character. I will either switch briefly to another project to keep myself writing, or I will do a more in depth character study or  plot outline. That will usually do the trick.

What do you like to do when you’re not writing?

I love to travel, and I love to eat. I am a big movie fan, on the big or the little screen. I have friends and family I enjoy seeing. I spend a lot of time watching news. I am something of a junky, to be honest. Oh, and did I mention I love to eat. Sampling new restaurants in the area or falling back on the tried and true Chicago cuisine like hot dogs and pizza always makes me happy.


About Moonlight & Moet:

Can the Hottest Man Around Melt this Ice Queen’s Heart?

When her husband publicly cheats on her, Leigh Dobbs trades her humiliating reputation as an ice queen and a hometown that shuns her for the unknown of rural North Carolina. Taking over a small bed and breakfast, Leigh sets out to restore it, her dignity and her life. Excited at the prospect of adding more rooms and a full-service restaurant, Leigh’s big plans encounter the brick wall that is Caleb Rausch. Sparks fly even as Caleb votes no on the planning commission, crushing Leigh’s dreams.

Handsome powerhouse Caleb Rausch is a man on a mission, expanding his huge corporation without encroaching on the small town where it resides. His commitment to his products, employees and historic preservation are unwavering. What’s lacking is his commitment to one woman. Caleb is the most eligible bachelor in three states, dating celebrities and models, but never settling down. Until now.

Even as Caleb forces Leigh’s expansion plans on hold, the couple moves full-steam-ahead on their relationship, unable to resist the mutual attraction. So why, after a steamy night together, does Caleb disappear for weeks? Has Leigh put her heart out there again, just to be played?

Will the magic of a moonlit night be enough to kindle their love or will Caleb’s constant disappearing act prevent him from melting this ice queen’s heart?

Amazon Buy Link:



Exhausted and anxious to return home, Leigh wasn’t paying attention as she stepped out the door of the small law office at the end of the row of storefronts. Leigh went down hard on the cement, her skirt flying up, her brochures flying. A shook-up Leigh assessed the damage and caught her breath. Her dignity was beyond repair.
Leigh was brushing the dirt from her palms, scraped from trying to break her fall when a shadow blocked the sun, and a large, dirty hand, attached to a long, strong arm reached down to assist her. Leigh’s gaze followed the flannel covered forearm up over a muscled bicep and continued until her scrutiny was arrested by a pair of coffee-colored eyes surrounded by the deep laugh lines of an outdoorsman. He was staring vast expanse of creamy thigh and more than a hint of her magenta panties. His expression told Leigh that he liked what he saw.
Leigh clumsily scrambled to lower her dress, gather the brochures fluttering in the breeze, and take the proffered hand all at once. Several pamphlets escaped down the sidewalk, but she quickly forgot them as she was lifted like a feather against her mountain’s chest and too swiftly placed gently on her feet. She winced when the blisters made contact with the hard surface beneath them and the lumberjack buried behind a grizzly bear beard reacted.
“Injured, little lady?” he asked with concern. “Let me help you get you to urgent care.
“That won’t be necessary,” Leigh responded, smoothing her dress to cover her embarrassment and interest.
“Then at least let me help you to your destination.”
“I was just heading to my car, down the ways,” Leigh tried to gesture with the arm the man still held. “But, I’m fine. Really. I can take it from here.”
“Fine, indeed,” Grizzly Adams replied in a sarcastic, deep baritone.
He was tall, covered in a subtle sheen of dirt and sweat, but Leigh quickly realized the shirt under her fingertips was the finest wool and his boots, caked in an inch of dried mud, were Scarpa Phantom 8000’s. He was a very wealthy Grizzly Adams, and a dedicated hiker too. Those boots were featured in the mountaineering store up the road for over $1000, way too rich for Leigh’s blood.
 He stood still, his smile twitching as caught Leigh checking him out. Then, without warning, he swept her into his arms, carefully adjusted her dress to modestly cover her behind while managing to slide his hand all along them. The man was a pro. Leigh couldn’t fault his effort, even as she realized he was copping a feel.  Carrying her easily, he began taking long strides in the direction she had pointed.
“This is completely unnecessary,” Leigh repeated more than once, interspersed with “put me down, please” and “Really I can walk.” He ignored them all, speaking right over her repeated and flustered objections.
“You took a nasty fall there. People are always missing that last step.” His face was too close and too handsome. He smelled of the outdoors – pine, sweat and sunshine. It was intoxicating.
 “Are you sure you wouldn’t prefer I took you over to the doc’s office or the urgent care?”
“Just to my car, thanks,” Leigh requested, done trying to argue with the hard-muscled man. Who was she kidding? It felt incredible to rest against his broad chest, his arms holding her securely and his minty breath blowing on her face. He may have been filthy, a bearded mountain man who was certainly not her type, but he was sexy as hell. Leigh wished her car was miles away. ,
“Will you be ok to drive, Miss…”
“Miss Leigh,” he repeated, caressing her name. “Are you sure you’ll be alright to drive?”
Leigh bobbed her head in the affirmative. She loved resting her head against the power of this man’s chest, secure in his firm grip. Leigh looked up at him from under her eyelashes, admiring what she saw. She could tell that under the caked on mud and scruff, he was handsome, with a cocky smile and those laughing eyes. She wished she could see more.
“This is my car,” she finally motioned. “Thank you, Mr…”
“You’re certain you can drive?” he asked in his slow, smooth drawl, ignoring her question.
“I’m not going far,” Leigh reassured him. “I’ll be fine.”
The mountain man placed Leigh on her feet, holding her by the waist as if waiting for reassurance that she was solidly standing. Leigh looked down as if to assure herself both feet were there and with a deep breath made eye contact. The man was a head taller, broad and powerful, and staring at her as if he wanted to devour her. A hot flush filled Leigh’s cheeks, and she extended a hand to shake his.


“Well, thank you again. You certainly turned out to be my knight in shining armor today,” she jested.
“Well, Miss Leigh, then I guess I get my knight’s favor,” the man responded with a devilish grin. Leigh was still registering his warning when he lowered his head to hers and placed his warm lips upon her cooler ones.  

Other Books in the B&B Billionaire Romance Series:

Desire & Dessert Amazon Buy Link

About the Author: 
Madison Michael is an indie publisher, blogger and the author of the Beguiling Bachelor Series as well as the novella Desire & Dessert, from her sizzling B&B Billionaire Bachelor series.
A Chicago native and hopeless romantic, Maddy was raised on Chicago culture, fairy tales, great literature and swashbuckling movies. Maddy employs that history, writing steamy contemporary romance novels set against the sumptuous backdrop of Chicago’s elite society.
After receiving a BA in Journalism from the University of Illinois and an MBA from Loyola University of Chicago, Madison abandoned her writing to find her way in the corporate business world. Daughter of a librarian, it was inevitable that she would return to the world of books.
Maddy writes from high above Chicago where she can stare at its gorgeous skyline or the shores of Lake Michigan surrounded by feline assistants. When she is not writing,, Maddy can be found lost in a book, fighting for the rights of the mentally iil or dining on Chicago’s famous cuisine. Hot dogs and pizza, anyone?

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Posted December 6, 2018 by Julie S. in Blog Tours / 0 Comments
