We are hosting a meme called: That’s what HE said Thursday. For more info on what this meme is all about click here. We will be doing our posts once a month rather than weekly. The Linky will be open all year long and you are welcome to continue doing your post weekly and linking them up.
Lynn’s Quote:
“You’re under my skin. In my blood. In my dreams.”
And a bonus second quote!
“That’s not the only thing beds are good for.”
–Marcus to Phoebe
(Time’s Convert (All Souls Trilogy) by: Deborah Harkness)
Vampires. Sigh. So dreamy and romantic. And sexy as well! Marcus takes after his father on both accounts. We all know how difficult it is to capture quotes from audio books. So if the grammar is wrong, that’s my fault alone. I like these quotes because they mark the beginning and ending of the book, and Phoebe’s time becoming a vampire. But mostly, the quotes show me their relationship will hold through the millennium.
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