The Christmas Ballet By Constance Bretes Tour

Posted December 17, 2018 by Julie S. in Blog Tours / 3 Comments

The Christmas Ballet
By Constance Bretes

Constance has 2 $10 gift certificates to Paparazzi Accessories to giveaway during the tour. Please use the Rafflecopter below to enter. Remember you may enter every day for your chance to win one of the prize packages. You may find the tour locations here


Interview with Constance Bretes

  • At what point did you decide to be an author and what was your path to publication?

I had always had dreams that I hoped to put down on paper. One day though, my husband encouraged me to sit down and write. I wrote out my first draft of Delayed Justice. I spent three years after that finding out about RWA, romance book writing from Harlequin, and other big publishers. I submitted to several publishing companies before Beachwalk Press Inc. wrote me and offered me a contract. The publisher, Pamela Tyner, said she found a great talent in my writing, but I needed help with the craft of writing. We spent a lot of time working on this book to get it published, and she continues to support me and help me with my writing. I have eight books published by Beachwalk Press and about five more stories in various stages of edits.

  • What do you do when a new idea jumps out at you while you’re still working on a book? Do you chase the squirrel (aka “UP syndrome”) or do you finish your current project first?

I write the idea down on a piece of paper or as a note on my computer, then return to the current WIP.

  • Describe your writing process. Do you outline, plot and plan, or is your writing more organic?

Usually I have a general outline with the plot and plan. However, when I did The Christmas Ballet. I wrote from my heart.

  • Have you been able to incorporate your previous experience in [jobs/education] in your writing?

Yes, and also incidents that happened in my life. I have a great sense of humor, and always looking for fun things from my past to write in and apply to my characters.

  • Do you identify with your main character or did you create a character that is your opposite?

I identify with all my main characters.

  • What has been the toughest criticism you have received as an author? What has been the best compliment?

I was a brand new writer and have just finished my first book. I was looking for an editor to help me prepare for a publisher. I got one person who wrote me and said that in her ‘professional’ opinion, my book wasn’t nowhere near being ready to be published, I clearly had serious grammar and punctuation issues. I needed to take a class in creative writing as well as grammar and punctuation. The writing was no good and needed lots of work.

I was devastated. Another experience writer, Rosanne Bittner, agreed to take a look at the book, and she met with me and told me that the story was good and strong, she didn’t notice too much with punctuation and the only thing she saw was that I was writing through the scenes too fast.

  • Have you ever experienced writer’s block? How did you deal with it?

Yes, I went through a period for seven months where I could not write. I couldn’t even put two sentences together. I was also in the midst of changing medications and later discovered that one of the medications I was taking affected my mood and creativity. I kept going back to my doctor for help with the medication until we found something that works better for me. Then I signed up for NaNoWriMo and bombed out of it. I couldn’t get a half a book written. During Thanksgiving weekend, I listened to The Music Box Dancer by Frank Mills on a YouTube video and started to get inspired to write a Christmas romance, and I wrote The Christmas Ballet, the first draft from the first week of December until New Years weekend.

  • What do you like to do when you’re not writing?

I have a couple of hobbies I like to do. Mostly though, it’s basket weaving. I also love to read contemporary romance and occasionally I’ll pick up a historical romance. My Kindle Fire is ready to explode with books, books, and more books.





About The Christmas Ballet:

Laura Hemmingway cut herself off from men and her family when the man she loved married her sister. She moved across the country and was doing just fine until she received a devastating call to return to New York. She had to face the death of her sister, her sister’s little girl, Maria, and Maria’s father, Stefan—the man she had once loved. She figured she would pay her respects and leave as soon as possible. She never anticipated on the beautiful little girl stealing her heart. And she never expected that seeing Stefan again after twelve years would stir up old feelings.

Stefan’s life was complete. He had a successful career as an attorney, a beautiful wife and an adorable six-year-old daughter. Although he and his wife had been married in name only for the past several years, he cared for her deeply. Then her unexpected death brought him face-to-face with his former lover, and the guilt he’d carried for years.
Stefan is still in love with Laura and wants to give her everything she deserves. He and Maria are racing against time to convince Laura to stay with them in New York.

Can a little girl’s love, and the true magic of Christmas, help Stefan convince Laura to stay and give their relationship another chance?

Content Warning: contains some sexual content
Genre – Contemporary Romance
Heat Level – Hot

  • Amazon Buy Link:

Excerpt from The Christmas Ballet:

He smiled as he thought about the look on her face when he’d stroked her. Maybe she was more interested in him than she either believed or cared to be.
Then he thought of something. “One more thing, Laura,” he called out to her, and she stopped at the door and turned around.
“On the nineteenth, the law firm is hosting the annual Christmas party. It’s quite grand and lasts all evening long.”
“You want me to be sure to be available to babysit Maria,” Laura said.
“No. I want you to plan to come with me.”
“Remember that beautiful, green, velvet dress we saw at Macy’s? I want you to get that dress, and the accessories to go with it, and attend the party with me.”
“Stefan, really. You know I don’t go to those types of events, and I don’t wear those kinds of clothes. I’m not comfortable with either of those things.”
“You need to get comfortable.” He smiled.
“This is not a part of a job for the nanny and teacher. It’s out of the range of the job description. You need to get Ginger to go with you. I’m not going.” She gave him a defiant look.
“Laura, I want to take you to this event. I’m not taking no for an answer. I will arrange for Rhonda to take you shopping to help you get what you need. You will charge all the purchases to a credit card I will give you that’s for your use only. This is the first of many social parties you will be attending.”
He watched her as she clenched her hands into fists and released them.
“Who do you think you will get to care for Maria on these…occasions?”
“Usually Lillian is available.”
“Stefan, it’s my job to care for Maria, not be your date to your parties. I don’t like being told what I will or won’t do. I don’t like social parties, and I don’t like wearing expensive clothes. It’s not me, and you’re not going to change me.”
“I don’t want to change you. I want you to attend an event by my side. It won’t hurt you to have some beautiful clothing to show your feminine side. I want the world to see the beauty I see. Be glad I want to show you off. Some men might decide they don’t want others to see what they see.”
“Flattery doesn’t work with me. You can tell me what to do as far as Maria is concerned, but my personal life is off limits to you.”
“That’s good to know. At least I know you won’t get carried away and escape my grasp by someone making flattering remarks to you. Your personal life interests me.”
“Stefan, you just don’t get it. I am not going to this party,” she said, enunciating each word slowly and carefully. “Besides, your mother would be horrified to see me walk in with you.” Her face hardened as she stared at him.
“Look at it this way—you’d be doing me a big favor.”
“How?” She raised an eyebrow.
“I’m not interested in the other women that come to this social party looking for an eligible bachelor. With you on my arm, it would send a clear message to all the others that I’m taken.”
“God, you’re impossible. Ginger is more than capable of providing you that kind of service.”
“I don’t want Ginger. You have the grace, quiet beauty, and finesse I want in a date, and I will not take no for an answer. After Maria’s recital, you and Rhonda will set a shopping date. And one more thing. When you get your hair done, I’d like you to wear it down.” He smiled at her.
“This is not going to happen.” She put her hands on her hips and glared at him.
“It will. I’ll just have Maria work on you.” He eyed her.
Stefan grinned. “You heard me. You’d never turn down anything from Maria.”
“Grrrr.” She growled and stomped up the stairs.
He laced his hands and put them behind his head. Oh yeah, it’ll be a night she’ll never forget.

About the Author:
Constance Bretes is an author of contemporary romance and suspense. Her romance books are often set in different parts of the country, but her favorite site is Montana. She retired from the State of Michigan after 38-plus years of service and now writes and researches full time. She is married to her best friend and has recently moved from Montana to Alabama. Her hobbies include basket weaving, sapphire digging, and checking out old ghost towns.

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Posted December 17, 2018 by Julie S. in Blog Tours / 3 Comments


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