Chat Between Chapters: Stuck in a Winter Storm

Posted January 27, 2019 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 1 Comment


 Let’s chat about books you save for when you are stuck inside during a winter storm.

Julie Review Avatar Julie:

I want to say that if you’re caught in a winter storm, and there are no distractions to your quiet time, a nice long book is in order.

I used to love reading Isabel Allende novels! I just learned about her latest, which would be perfect for a winter storm day. In the Midst of Winter: A Novel.

Another great wintery and long book is a book Rose (one of our former bloggers here) had me read. The Bronze Horseman

If you’re going to go big or go home, and you’re home, I mean Outlander is always an option.

For a YA option, Shiveris a good wintery read.



For more ideas, you can hit up this Goodreads lits of winter books.



While it wasn’t really a winter storm, I’ve just returned from a trip to North Dakota, where the daily highs were negative and the wind chill was -35­. If I didn’t have to drag myself out to work, I would have much rather buried myself under the covers with a good book!

When I’m wanting cozy, I think of hot chocolate and Jane Austen. Persuasion or Pride and Prejudice are always good for a reread that warms my soul. Captain Wentworth for life!

I also have the attention span of a gnat and I’m always switching up the genres. If I’m cold, I might want some heart-pumping action adventure. How about some ‘wintery’ action adventure! Ice Station by Matthew Reilly is the first in the Shane Schofield series. The team and their fancy mag hooks are stuck in an Antarctic adventure that definitely had my heart pumping.

On the YA front, how about Winter by Marissa Meyer? Sure, it’s the last in the series and you should read the others first. But the frozen princess\Sleeping Beauty theme fits perfectly in winter (the season).

If you are a fan of Romantic Suspense, Try Ice by Linda Howard.  Icy conditions outside and icy relationships inside!



What about you? Any recommendations for what to read when you’re stuck inside during a winter storm?


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Posted January 27, 2019 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 1 Comment


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