That’s what HE said Thursday- February 2019

Posted February 14, 2019 by Lynn in ThatsWhatHeSaid / 5 Comments


We are hosting a meme called: That’s what HE said Thursday. For more info on what this meme is all about click hereWe will be doing our posts once a month rather than weekly. The Linky will be open all year long and you are welcome to continue doing your post weekly and linking them up.



LynnpicLynn’s Quote:

“I linger for a second. Because she smells delicious. Like mangoes and pineapples. Like a tropical treat at a Popsicle stand. And I would like to take a little lick of her neck. Add in a nibble on her earlobe. A kiss of her jawline. Then I’d kiss her lips, soft at first. Then hard and properly. The kind of kiss that makes a woman swoon. That makes her melt. That’s the only way a woman should ever be kissed.”

Cam to Kristen

(Lucky Suit by: Lauren Blakely)

First, this quote is from an audio book; the punctuation is all mine. Second, it’s not so much a quote as it is Cam’s feeling about Kristen. I like this quote because who wouldn’t? It’s super dreamy. And very swoon-y. I’m kind of obsessed with this book lately, telling everyone who will listen. It’s one of the free Audible books for the month of February. You should check it out! 



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Posted February 14, 2019 by Lynn in ThatsWhatHeSaid / 5 Comments


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