Question 1
At what point did you decide to be an author and what was your path to publication?
Answer 1
I had no intention of becoming an author. In fact nothing was further from my mind, until something sensational happened when I kissed my mother to say goodbye, sadly when she had just passed away. I explain everything in full, in the foreword of ‘The Secret of the Crystal Mace.’ I knew then that I was destined to write books, and published on recommendation.
Question 2
What do you do when a new idea jumps out at you while you’re still working on a book? Do you chase the squirrel (aka “UP syndrome”) or do you finish your current project first?
Answer 2
Good question.
On every single occasion when a new idea suddenly came flying into my head, it always happened totally out of the blue while I was writing, and would unbelievably fit in perfectly at that point of the story.
It was an incredible feeling, especially at those inspirational magical moments, when I knew instantly that I was creating something very special. At that moment it would hit me like a ton of bricks in the most incredible but wonderful way, knowing that I was the only person in the world that knew about it.
A good example would be when I created the secret of the mace in the last chapter, at the end of the book. I think everyone reading the book will take for granted that they know the secret of the mace. I am afraid nothing could be further from the truth. Every single person is in for a real shock, when unexpectedly a serious twist occurs, and is shockingly revealed right at the end.
Question 3
Who is your favorite character to write, and why is that person your favorite?
Answer 3
That is very easy to answer. I have many favourites like Nuggetbrain, Smellybeo, Gregota, Numbskull, Jason, Madgas, and Eviltos etc, but by far and without any shadow of doubt, Badaggro is my real favourite.
I instantly created every character without any thought right off the top of my head, as quick as picking an apple off a tree, and Badaggro was no exception.
For example, I thought in my mind that I needed someone who is bad and causes a lot of aggro, so i linked them instantly together, and went for Badaggro, which I feel fits this character like a glove.
He is my favourite simply because he is an evil tyrant beyond comprehension, and plays a huge part with his equally barbaric wife Eviltos, in so many more ways than one.
So much so, I have entitled the follow up book ‘The Return of Badaggro.’
Question 4
Do you identify with your main character or did you create a character that is your opposite?
Answer 4
There is a big difference between main and favourite character. I created evil, good emotion and laughter in the story, and I suppose if you knew me well, I would be described as a caring but very funny guy, but can be emotional depending on the situation I am in.
I suppose if I was to pick a character, I would say I am pretty like Jason.
Question 5
Is there anything you would like people to take away from your book?
Answer 5
Yes! And Lots. There are inspirational messages throughout. One funny but serious one, which I explain fully in the authors note, and means a lot to me, would be chapter 18 entitled ‘The Bully.’
If one single person who is being bullied in any shape or form at school, cyberbullied or at work, can take inspiration from what young Ian Walker does in the story, or by just telling someone, or by contacting the National bullying helpline telephone number, which I have inserted in the front of the book, then I will be very satisfied and contented.
Question 6
What is your favorite (or most difficult) chapter you have ever written?
Answer 6
My favourite and most difficult chapter, well that is difficult but I will go for two chapters. Firstly chapter two entitled ‘ The Planet of Eternal Life.’ (Endnos)
It is a huge very special part of the book, which I loved writing, and comes back in a strong emotional way in the follow up book. So much so, I had tears running down and over my cheeks, when writing the deeply emotional parts.
The other would be the last chapter entitled ‘The Return of the Mace,’ which I really enjoyed creating and centres around the mace and a final goodbye between Gregota and Jason.
I purposely mislead everyone into thinking throughout the story that they know the secret of the mace, when nothing could be further from the truth, with an unexpected huge twist and sensational ending.
Question 7
Share some advice for aspiring authors. What advice would you give to your young self?
Answer 7
My best tip for future writers, is believe in yourself and go for it. If you feel you have something don’t let it disappear. Do not let anything or anyone stand in your way and be patient. Do not rush and get things wrong. Take your time to get it right. It is definitely true everyone has a book in them, and all cannot be best sellers, but you never know till you try. Do you want to say to yourself in years ahead, ‘I wish I had done this, I wish I had done that.’ Do it now or you may regret it.
I do not have any regrets but wish I had found writing sooner.
Question 8
What do I like to do when I am not writing?
Answer 8
There is nothing I like better than to be with my true love and soulmate Belinda doing things like travelling, walking, golfing and meeting people from all walks of life.
Oh! and occasionally a wee dram of that brown Scottish firewater.
Title: The Secret of the Crystal Mace
Author: J.J. McIvor
About the Author
I am a Health Physicist and I work in Essex but have worked all over the United Kingdom and abroad. My hobbies are golf, swimming, walking and of course writing.
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