Chat About Covers: Alien Pets

Posted November 21, 2019 by Julie S. in Chat About Covers / 0 Comments



We’re starting a new feature here on Chapter Break called Chat About Covers. ‘Cause you know we all judge books by covers, whether we admit it or not. We judge the style, the color and font choices, and just the overall look. That might not keep us from reading the book, but we do still judge.

Alien Pets (Xeno Relations Book 1)
Price: $0.00
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Julie Review Avatar

OMGosh what a funny book idea. So the first thing that caught me is the pink haired lady. She seems kind of badass, with the uniform and the space-traveler stuff.

The font is very very generic for this genre, but it works here. The font being the same color as her hair!

The cat. Well, you know I’m all about cats in books. I’m not loving the photo editing effects of the cat being kind of maybe held by the girl, but more like badly stuck onto the image. She’s not even holding the cat, just kinda has her arm up.

But cats. Yay.

The space scene in the background is meh. Too much going on already on this cover and the brightness of the scenery is not helping.

Overall not a great cover. But intriguing enough to read the back. And then put it back down.


Lynnpic avatar
I’d pick up this book based on the cover, if only to read the description. And then I would put it right back down. She ‘becomes’ telepathic. She gets into a love triangle. Um, yeah. It’s a no for me!

But anyway, back to the cover!

I appreciate the pink hair matching the pink font on the title. I really like the fancy capital A in Alien, with what might be a twinkling star/planet in place of the dash.

Julie is right about the cat. The girl’s arm is at a very weird angle to be holding a cat. But the cat is cute!

I like the planet and ‘ring’ in the background. I think the blue planet compliments the pink hair. I’m not so sure about the mountains, though. Do we really need those?

I’d say the cover is enough to catch my attention. But not enough to keep it.


What are your thoughts on this cover?

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Posted November 21, 2019 by Julie S. in Chat About Covers / 0 Comments
