Most Memorable Reads of 2019

Posted December 29, 2019 by Lynn in Wrap Ups and Mini Reviews / 3 Comments


It’s the end of the year and every blog out there is posting their top reads of the year. I don’t know about you, but when I look back at the books I read this year, I spend more time wondering to myself if I even recall the plot of some of those books! So we here at Chapter Break are posting mini-reviews of our top 5 most memorable books read for the year, each. These could be books we loved or books we didn’t love. But the books were at least memorable!


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Here are my 5 most memorable books of 2019. I’m sticking with adult books – not children’s books for this one.

  • Wraith, Hawaiian Shadows: I loved that it takes place in Hawaii and the storyline of the ghost/spirit that the girl could see – this book was what I needed and a perfect airplane read.
  • Orion’s Kiss – Another very memorable book, with a fun premise and characters. I linked to the full review.
  • Slay Like a Mother – great self-help type read to motivate us to slay our dragons and pursue better in our lives.
  • Going Down in Flames – Interesting premise about a dragon society and a mixed breed girl. I linked to the full review.
  • The Cruel Prince – this was my first local book club book, and a fun twist on the faery story where the main character is a human, not a half-fae as per usual.


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My list is in no particular order!

  • Brink of Darkness: A sequel that actually lived up to my expectations. Everything about it was great!
  • Aurora Rising: I loved the Illuminae Files books and had high expectations for this one. I’m a bit in love with every character. And hyped for the next book!
  • Pull Up a Chair and Sister Pie: Yes, I know. I’m cheating by listing two books in one line. But these were the most memorable cookbooks I read this year. I’ve made Tiffani Thiessen’s skillet cornbread so many times. And I love the story of how Lisa Ludwinski started Sister Pie. Reading the introduction to this book makes me want to open my own pie shop, following her example. Plus pies!
  • Death’s Excellent Vacation: I keep trying Urban Fantasy. And it keeps letting me down.
  • Ice Limit: When you are rooting for a natural disaster just so the book will end, that’s saying something.




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Posted December 29, 2019 by Lynn in Wrap Ups and Mini Reviews / 3 Comments


3 responses to “Most Memorable Reads of 2019

  1. Danielle Hammelef

    I also loved Illuminae so I preordered Aurora Rising and loved every minute of it. Book two will be fun to read, I agree. I’m a huge fan of these kinds of books.

    • Lynn

      Thanks, Nicole. I may have to check out Cruel Prince as well. Julie has been hyping that book for a while!