Chat About Covers: Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampires

Posted February 6, 2020 by Lynn in Chat About Covers / 8 Comments



We’re enjoying our Chat About Covers series. ‘Cause you know we all judge books by covers, whether we admit it or not. We judge the style, the color and font choices, and just the overall look. That might not keep us from reading the book, but we do still judge.


Julie Review Avatar

Innuendo galore on this one. Hello, peaches and fang penetration. And blood, well, yea.

The font is a good choice, easy to read and bold. The black background is perfect for the text and images to stand out.

Also confused about the “cover not final” sticker. Since the Amazon version is the same, minus the sticker of course. Of course, it doesn’t drop until later this year so maybe that’s why.

I like the book club subject. It’s not just a Southerner’s guide. It’s a Southern book club’s guide. So you know we love book clubs around here.

I’m super curious though, it has to be a funny book, right? With a topic and cover like that. And you know I enjoy the vampires.

I was curious enough to read the blurb, and the blurb sounds more horror than comedy. And maybe more serious than the cover would let on. So maybe it’s more of a crime horror vampire novel than a fun parody type, and then maybe I’m not as interested in it.


Lynnpic avatar
When a book has Book Club in the title, I always wonder if I should recommend it to read for book club! I do like this cover; it immediately drew my attention.

I’m freaked out by the bleeding peaches. I don’t EVER want to buy a peach that’s bleeding!

I like the simple black background. The peaches stand out. Though interesting that this book with peaches on it is set in South Carolina, and not Georgia? I guess peaches must also grow in Charleston? (Not sure what’s going on with the Cover Not Final sticker on the Goodreads version?)

The title font is simple and easy to read. The author’s name is also easy to read.

Overall, this cover did the job of getting my attention. But since I’m freaked out by vampires, I’ll probably skip reading it!


What are your thoughts on this cover?

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Posted February 6, 2020 by Lynn in Chat About Covers / 8 Comments


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