We’re starting a new feature here on Chapter Break called Chat About Covers. ‘Cause you know we all judge books by covers, whether we admit it or not. We judge the style, the color and font choices, and just the overall look. That might not keep us from reading the book, but we do still judge.
So I understand this book is about an angel and a vampire. What an interesting combination. They both need a miracle, so they are perfect to help each other out. But, it’s gotta be weird, right? A holy creature and a creature who kills and is supposed to be evil?
From the picture, it’s clear the woman is the angel. It even shows her wings (which is kind of strange as the blurb says she’s trying to *earn* her wings. But whatever. It’s a hint to the reader. But the guy, he doesn’t look like a vamp. He just looks like a regular dude. If we’re going for obvious cliche, where are the fangs?
I do like the style of the cover. These dark covers in forests or cities, I like them. I like the glowing blue and purple colors used on these types of covers. They are becoming a bit cliche on their own, but I still like them.
The font is really pretty. Silver, bold, crisp. The kind of font I like.
But the title is a bit cliche and silly, right? I guess it works, again we’re going with the obvious note here, but it’s silly.
But I’d pick it up and read the blurb.
Julie did a great job breaking down this cover and I’m struggling with writing anything original!
I would not have gotten vampire from the guy, either. To me, he just looks like a random dude in a tight shirt.
I do like the purple\blue\black colors in the background. The colors work well together and catch my eye.
The title font is clear and easy to read. I like how it is reflective and looks like a fluid metal. That is pretty neat.
Overall, I’d probably pass on this book. I haven’t had a lot of luck with urban fantasy in the past and I’m very reluctant to read that genre.
What are your thoughts on this cover?
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Nothing about the guy says vampire to me. The angel looks a little to suggestive for an angel (I write romance so I see romance)
I do like the colors and the balance, even like the title and, while I don’t normally read paranormal, I would check out the back.