Chat Between Chapters: Books & Entertainment During Self-Isolation

Posted April 19, 2020 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 1 Comment


We are in a very strange time right now. We’re all sharing how we’re staying sane. Let’s chat about Books & Entertainment During Self-Isolation

Julie Review Avatar Julie:

I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m reading even less these days. It has been cray cray working full-time (lately it’s been over time) and trying to parent and homeschool. But let’s chat and share what would be good to read right now if you find yourself with free time.

Here are some articles sharing ideas for:

If you find yourself with lots of free time, now is the time to break out your TBR. Find the biggest, longest books you’ve been wanting to read one day, and give them some perusal.

Goodreads has some great lists with suggestions:

If I had all that free time, I would re-read: Gone with the Wind

And maybe I could put on my brave reading hat and give this one another try (I tried when I was younger and couldn’t do it): War and Peace



Unlike Julie, I’ve been tearing through the books. I just finished the seventh book of April. (One of the side benefits of unemployment is plenty of free time for reading.) Some of been amazing (Crescent City), while others have been a slog (The Rogue You Know).

I’m tackling my TBR and reading books I bought\downloaded years ago as well as searching the library’s database to catch up on series books that I’ve fallen behind on.

My main takeaway from staying home for 4 weeks now is to read what I want to read. I’ve spent way too much time previously reading what other people suggest. Now, I’m doing me. If I don’t like something, I’m ok with putting it down and moving on. I’m also picking up a lot of long books. I’ll be checking out Julie’s lists above! Crescent City tops in at 800 pages. I just started Leviathan Wakes at 560 pages.  Audio books are saving me on my walks. Anything to distract from the drudgery of physical activity. I’m also switching up genres with every book.

I reorganized my book shelves to make it easier to see which (physical) books I own that I actually want to read. That helped a lot. I even found one book in my TBR pile that I had read in ebook form ages ago. Here’s my updated bookshelves. They look much better now! (The first is my TBR shelves; the second is my read shelves.)


How about everyone else? Are you reading? Not reading?





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Posted April 19, 2020 by Julie S. in Chat Between Chapters, Featured Posts / 1 Comment


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